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Invasive Russian olive trees removed, put to good use

Lisa Slupianek, with Southwest Conservation Corps, uses an ax on a Russian olive tree Saturday at the Juniper School. The Durango Daybreak Rotary Club will deliver the wood to senior citizens or low-income families in need.

Invasive Russian olive trees removed, put to good use

The Mountain Studies Institute, which coordinated the removal, will teach Juniper School students about invasive and native species as part of the project.

Invasive Russian olive trees removed, put to good use

Russian olives were first introduced to the Durango area in the 1970s and 1980s. They can out-compete native plants, like willows and cottonwoods.

Bayfield’s Shields runs to win at Chicken Creek Challenge

Bayfield’s Zeb Shields made the boys’ varsity race look much, much easier than it actually was, recording a strong winning time of 17:22.

Participation in Saturday rallies grows in Cortez

Amanda Winter and her daughter, Alicia Winter, who sang the national anthem at the Freedom Ride on Saturday morning.

Participation in Saturday rallies grows in Cortez

Clay Baier voices his opinion next to his truck with flags Saturday in Cortez.

Participation in Saturday rallies grows in Cortez

Montezuma County Patriots listen to the national anthem before the Freedom Ride on Saturday morning in Cortez.

Participation in Saturday rallies grows in Cortez

Sherry Simmons leads the Montezuma County Patriots’ Freedom Ride in prayer Saturday morning in Cortez.

Participation in Saturday rallies grows in Cortez

Members of the Walk for Justice and Peace gather to discuss how to de-escalate a confrontation before their demonstration on Saturday in Cortez.

Participation in Saturday rallies grows in Cortez

Jaime Becktel, left, and Kate, meeting before the Walk for Justice and Peace, demonstrate how to de-escalate a situation.
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