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Debbie and I had the opportunity of a lifetime last week when we were honored to represent Colorado in Tampa, Fla., at the Republican National Convention. I include Debbie in this representation...
DATE: Sept. 4, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
Hundreds of birds are singing and chatting as I sit at our kitchen table this early morning and write this column. It is a joyful sound that always lifts my spirits and helps me to be thankful for...
DATE: July 31, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, Independence Day, the birthday of the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was signed on this day 236 years ago. Many of us have taken this...
DATE: July 3, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
It was a great privilege to attend the Durango High School graduation ceremony. I was especially impressed with the words of one of the graduates, Carl Sallee, who had recently been to Kenya. He...
DATE: June 4, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
My name is Caleb Bonham. I am a Fort Collins native, graduate of Colorado State University, and legislative aide to state Rep. J. Paul Brown. My venture into legislative politics began last session...
DATE: May 23, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
The actions taken on the night before the last day of the second session of the 68th General Assembly on the floor of the Colorado House of Representatives were quite different to say the least. No...
DATE: May 15, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
As I write this, there are three days left in the legislative session and a ton of bills that have not even been heard in committee, much less gone through second and third readings on the floor of...
DATE: May 8, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
One thing I have learned in the livestock business, and especially in the sheep business, is patience. Patience has been very helpful in the legislature. You cant make people do anything. Folks...
DATE: May 1, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
Tourism is a huge part of the economy all over Colorado, but especially in my new district, from Pagosa Springs to Gunnison and all points in between. We need to do anything that we can to spur the...
DATE: April 24, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
This year the budget debate started in the House of Representatives. All of last week was pretty much the discussion of the HB 12-1335, known lovingly as the Long Bill. The results were an...
DATE: April 17, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
Water is the lifeblood of Colorado. I grew up on the La Plata River on a farm that straddled the Colorado/New Mexico state line. The agreement between Colorado and New Mexico that governs how water...
DATE: April 10, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report
It was an honor to attend the Club 20 Awards and Recognition Banquet on Friday night in Grand Junction and accept, on behalf of former state Sen. Jim Isgar, the prestigious Dan Noble Award. The...
DATE: April 3, 2012 | COLUMN: Capitol Report