Vandals and dumpers strike Mud Springs area


Vandals and dumpers strike Mud Springs area

Illegal dumping costs taxpayers
Vandalism is an ongoing problem at Mud Springs. Recently, these couches were dumped, and signs wererun over. The trailhead, parking lot, trails and roads recently received a facelift, including improved signage. An informational kiosk with trail maps will be installed soon.
A BLM ranger loads dumped couches for a trip to the landfill. The cleanup cost taxpayers $500 in labor, fuel, adminstrative, vehicle, and landfill costs.

Vandals and dumpers strike Mud Springs area

Vandalism is an ongoing problem at Mud Springs. Recently, these couches were dumped, and signs wererun over. The trailhead, parking lot, trails and roads recently received a facelift, including improved signage. An informational kiosk with trail maps will be installed soon.
A BLM ranger loads dumped couches for a trip to the landfill. The cleanup cost taxpayers $500 in labor, fuel, adminstrative, vehicle, and landfill costs.