Sage grouse to be fitted with GPS backpacks


Sage grouse to be fitted with GPS backpacks

Biologists suiting up selected birds to track locations, behavior
During mating season, Gunnison sage grouse males display their filoplumes (topknot), bulging air sacs, white breasts and spiky tail feathers.
This April 2014 photo provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife shows a Gunnison sage grouse with tail feathers fanned near Gunnison.

Sage grouse to be fitted with GPS backpacks

During mating season, Gunnison sage grouse males display their filoplumes (topknot), bulging air sacs, white breasts and spiky tail feathers.
This April 2014 photo provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife shows a Gunnison sage grouse with tail feathers fanned near Gunnison.
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