Enjoy spring wildflowers and long views of canyon country during two tours offered by the Four Corners Native Plant Society.
On May 5 is a tour near Hovenweep National Monument.
This is a very leisurely paced trip for wildflower enthusiasts, budding botanists, and avid botanists. Participants will make their way slowly down a switchbacking road that cuts through a variety of wildflowers immediately west of Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, just into Utah. Last year the Sego Lilies stole the show with tens of thousands of flowers in bloom.
Then on May 6 the tour will explore some canyons at Bluff and then botanize the rim and part of the trail of lower Butler Wash.
Contact Al Schneider at [email protected] or 970-882-4647 for information and reservations.
Also see http://www.swcoloradowildflowers.com/San Juan Four Corners Native Plant Society.htm for more information on this trip and other Native Plant Society trips and meetings.