Name: James R. Lambert
Age: Not listed
Telephone: 970-562-4874
Email: [email protected]
Website: Not listed
1. How do you define freedom of the press?
The press, whether print or broadcast, has the right to seek and present all news that is real news. However, with that right goes the responsibility to present that news without bias plus the press does not have the right to pick and choose news in order to promote an agenda. Editorials belong on the editorial page or section.
2. List three action items you’d introduce to guarantee the people’s right to know?
I am not aware of any news that has been or is being withheld by the county comission. If the press is fair in their reporting, I don’t see a current problem so far as the county commission is concerned.
3. Describe the biggest mistake of your professional career. What lessons did you learn?
I do not consider this question or question #4 to be relevant questions. I have had a great deal of diverse experiences, some I might consider a mistake, some I might consider an accomplishment, but the value of either is what I learned from them which is for me to determine. I believe I can demonstrate what I have learned through decisions I would make as a commissioner.
4. Describe the greatest accomplishment of your professional career. Who is your mentor and why?
See above.
5. If elected, what would be your top priorities?
Preventing as much Federal encroachment on the rights of the people of Montezuma County as possible; helping to continue to improve our county road system; and be as budget conscious as I can.
6. What are your thoughts on recent reforms of marijuana laws, and should the county regulate commercial production of marijuana?
I believe that the “reforms”, as you put it, will prove to be a huge mistake with the people paying for the consequences. The current status of county regulations as I understand them should be maintained.
7. What is your stance on the county’s RS2477 efforts to take over U.S. Forest Service roads?
So far as I am concerned, all roads in the county not designated as U.S. or State highways already are county roads. The county has a procedure for opening or closing roads and I believe it should be followed. RS2477 is a law, it should be adhered to.
8. What role, if any, does the county have in overseeing public lands?
Currently, it appears to me that most management decisions on our public lands are Washington originated. They are agenda driven. Both the U.S. Constitution and the Colorado Constitution mandate that all land, with a few defined exceptions, should belong to the state or to private individuals. The people of this area, primarily through their county commission, has a right and a responsibility to have a role in overseeing public lands.
9. What steps would you take to ensure a proper balance between sustaining the environment and industrial growth?
I believe the current land use code provides a reasonable balance. Decisions on deviation from it have to go through the County Planning Commission and the County Commissioners. Those have to be dealt with on a one on one basis as all will probably be different from each other.
10. Do you support the Dolores River Valley plan? Why or why not?
I don’t believe it is really fair to all concerned, but until and if a better plan can be worked out that is fair to all including the public, I would have to support it as a means of protecting the public from water contamination.
11. What ideas do you have to create or attract more jobs to the county?
First, I believe there has to be more cooperation between the city of Cortez and the county. We have to bring in something besides motels and restaurants. Transportation of goods is one of the biggest stumbling blocks that I see. I would suggest that the commission sit down with the trucking interests in our area and see what kind of manufacturing could best be accommodated by our current transportation system and then seek that kind of business. I also believe that there are businesses that thrive in a more or less rural setting that if we used our imagination we might be able to secure for our area.
12. Are you familiar with the land use code, and what are your thoughts about zoning issues?
Yes. I am opposed to any further regulations or restrictions than those already in the code. There is no question but that the county will continue to grow population wise and further controls may be necessary, but I don’t see that we currently need further restrictions.
13. In examining the county’s total budget, which agencies would you support for greater funding and which agencies would you recommend be cut? Why?
I did not sit in on the budget planning last fall so I am not familiar with the justification the various agencies put forth for their respective budgets. I have considerable difficulty justifying spending other people’s money, so I can assure the public that I will take a close look at all agencies requests as a matter of course.
14. What efforts, if any, should the county take to help mitigate natural disasters, including wildfire, flooding and/or landslides?
I believe the county has a planning system for natural and man caused disasters in place. I have not studied it to be able to comment on what should be added or subtracted from it.
15. Provide any additional comments, biographical information, expertise and/or qualifications that sets you apart from other candidates.
I believe I have a proven greater range of experience in commissioner type jobs than the other candidates, and I believe all of these jobs have been successful in promoting the interests of Montezuma County.