The Cortez Journal encourages people to submit announcements about upcoming events for the Community Calendar. Send announcements to [email protected]. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published.
Calendar items are published as space allows. To see the current complete calendar, log on to, click on Community and, under it, Community Calendar.
Baby-sitting class rescheduled
A baby-sitting class originally scheduled for May 4 will be held on Friday, May 31, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Southwest Memorial Hospital Community Annex Room. The cost is $25 per participant, and all proceeds will go to the SWMH Relay for Life Team.
The course will cover how to stay safe, feeding, playtime, and how to start and safely advertise a baby-sitting business. Students will learn how to change diapers and identify age-appropriate toys and games, and will receive a basic first aid overview. Choking and what to do in an emergency is also covered.
To register, call Robin Bragg at 564-2243 or email [email protected].
Dance showcase, recitals
Suzanne’s School of Dance will be holding its first-ever competition team showcase on May 31 at 7 p.m. at the M-CHS auditorium. The students will be performing every dance they took to competition and presenting the community with the awards and scholarships the dancers received.
The annual recital will be held on June 1 at 6 p.m. and June 2 at 2 p.m. Recitals will include all the dancers from the season.
Admission is $5 at the door for all shows. For more information, call (970) 739-9481.
Storytime at the Cortez Public Library
“Race into June” is the June theme of Raising Readers Storytime at the Cortez Public Library, located at 202 N. Park St., Cortez, CO. Storytime is held every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the library and every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Cortez Farmers Market on the corner of Elm and Main streets (weather permitting) for preschool-aged children. Older children are welcome to join us for the craft at 11:15 a.m. on Thursdays. The Saturday Storytime will follow the same theme of the regular Thursday Storytime. In June we are starting to “Dig into Reading” following the national Summer Reading Program theme and the themes will reflect that. Please drop by and pick up a Summer Reading Program reading log. “The Dirt on Dirt” is the subject on Thursday, June 6 and Saturday, June 8. “Father’s Day” will be discussed on Thursday, June 13, and Saturday, June 15. “Gnome, Sweet Gnome” will be the focus on Thursday, June 20, and Saturday, June 22. We’ll wrap up the month with “Digging for Treasure” on Thursday, June 27 and Saturday, June 29. Raising Readers Storytime offers songs, stories, crafts and silliness and uses the Early Childhood Literacy Initiative program. For information, contact the library at 565-8117.
Incredible Years Parenting Class
The Pinon Project will offer a series of free parenting classes beginning in June and lasting 14 weeks. The Incredible Years is a curriculum targeting parents of children birth to 12 years of age and is proven effective.
This program is for parents who are looking for more effective ways to discipline and who want to build a more positive relationship with their children. Classes will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Pinon Project, 300 N. Elm Street. Dinner and child care are provided. To register, contact Lara Blair or Sandra Jaburg at 564-1195. Space is limited; sign up soon.
Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo Mutton Bustin’ signup
It’s time again for kids ages 3-7 to sign up for the Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo Mutton Bustin event. The event will be held each night of the rodeo: June 7, 8, and 9 at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds, just east of Cortez. Signup will be held on June 1, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., at IFA, located just north of Cortez on Highway 491. Signup for each night’s event is limited. Children cannot weigh more than 55 pounds to be eligible. Cost per child is $10, payable on June 1. Stick horse races will also be held each night of the rodeo. No signup is necessary for the stick horse race; just show up for the fun and register that night.
Event to aid Grace’s Kitchen
Author, chef and engaging speaker, Doug Neel (also pastor at St. Patrick’s Church in Pagosa Springs) comes again to Cortez on June 1 at 4 p.m. Neel will speak on Harvest Feasts in the First Century Middle East at St. Barnabas Church, 110 W. North St. There will be a food tasting of harvest recipes from his book, “Food and Feasts of Jesus.” A silent auction will accompany Neel’s presentation with items from Camp Ilium a great assortment of items/collections from many states, countries, and regions of the world, including Italy, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Mexico, Patagonia, New England, Arizona, and Wisconsin.
Tickets for the lecture, food tasting, auction, and book signing are $15 ($20 with wine). They are available at the door or from members of the parish. All proceeds will benefit Grace’s Kitchen, a Jubilee Ministry of St. Barnabas. If you are interested in food, history, or the Bible, this event is for you. Call 565-7865 for more information.
Kiwanis Youth Fishing Tournament
A Kiwanis youth fishing tournament will be held at Groundhog Lake on Saturday, June 1 (Colorado Free Fishing Weekend) for youth 16 and under. Registration will be from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. There is no registration fee. The first 25 who register will receive a goody bag. Weigh-in will be at 1 p.m. There will be prizes for largest fish in inches, for total weight of four fish, and for the youngest participant with a catch. Grilled burgers, hot dogs and potato salad will be sold at Groundhog store. There will also be a free fishing clinic held by Dave Harper at 9 a.m. sponsored by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Bingo raffle games managers’ class
The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office will hold a class on bingo and raffle games at the Elks Lodge in Cortez on Saturday, June 1, at 8:30 a.m. To register, call (303) 894-22000 ext. 6416 or email [email protected]. Include name, phone number, email address, organization and whether you plan to attend the bingo/raffle session (including pull tabs) or raffles only. Certification is $1, payable to the Colorado Secretary of State by check, money order or exact cash.
Participants should print the secretary of state’s Laws and Rules Handbook for bingo and raffles at the secretary of state’s website.
Trinity youth yard sale
Trinity Lutheran Youth Group will hold a yard sale, Saturday June 1, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Trinity Lutheran Church, 208 N. Dolores Rd., Cortez. The youth group will use the money earned from the yard sale to attend the LCMS 2013 National Youth Gathering in San Antonio, Texas, this July. The yard sale will have, clothes (all ages), household items, exercise equipment, furniture, books, brand new nonfiction Civil War books by a local author, shoes, accessories, a large reptile tank, Christmas items, Rocky Mountain Chocolate candy bars and much more! The yard sale will be an inside/outside sale. For information, contact Jacqueline at 560-3337.
National Mustang Association benefit
Everyone with a prepurchased ticket is welcome to a fundraising event in honor of Pati Temple, longtime National Mustang Association/Colorado board member and supporter.
The event will be held at the Kennebec, 4 County Road 124 in Hesperus, on Monday, June 3. Arrive for dinner at 5:30 p.m. and enjoy a slide-show presentation, information booth and silent auction, featuring such donors as Veryl Goodnight, Dunton Hot Springs, Claude Steelman and many more. A cash bar also will be available.
All proceeds will benefit the National Mustang Association/Colorado, specifically for Spring Creek Basin mustangs in Disappointment valley. For more information, visit www., the Pati Temple Memorial Benefit Bash page.
Yoga/grief demonstration
Cortez Yoga & Meditation, along with The Compassionate Friends, are sponsoring a demonstration on how yoga can help to heal grief. Monique Alvarez will guide the one time session Monday, June 3, 6:45 p.m., in the Cortez Yoga & Meditation Studio, 1430 E. main. All who are experiencing a form of grief are welcome to attend. For info call 560-6238 or 565-6480.
Cultural Center/Hawkins Preserve summer day camps
The Cortez Cultural Center and Hawkins Preserve summer day camps for area youth ages 6-12 begin June 3.
Programs include creative arts, beginning percussion, water and ecology and environmental studies. Partial scholarships are available and enrollment is limited. For more information visit the website, or call Anne Beach, 565-1151.
Montelores Early Childhood Council Meeting
The Montelores Early Childhood Council (MECC) will hold their next monthly luncheon meeting on Monday, June 3rd, at 11:45 a.m., at the Cortez Church of Christ Annex, 631 E. Montezuma Ave. All are invited to these meetings, especially parents. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP to MECC’s coordinator, Vangi McCoy, [email protected], PO Box 1725, Cortez, CO 81321, phone 749-7017.
Final class reunion meeting
Tuesday, June 4th at 5:30 p.m. the final class reunion meeting will take place at the Cortez Elks Lodge. The meeting is for the class of 1972, 1973 and 1974.
Littleague at Cortez Public Library
Come join The Littleague! at the Cortez Public Library on Wed., June 5, at 2:00 p.m. They provide fun, high-energy hip-hop that’s geared towards children. The Littleague was created by educators, Larry Georgeson and Neil McIntyre, who found that hip-hop music speaks to kids. They rhyme everything from the benefits of veggies and saying “Please,” to dental hygiene. Come get your kid groove on. This is the first performance of the Summer Reading Program season. This program is supported by “The Golden Dreams Foundation Fund under Onward! A Legacy Foundation.” The library is located at 202 N. Park St., Cortez, CO. and may be reached by calling 970-565-8117.
Computer Classes
The Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., and the Unlimited Learning Center, 640 E. 2nd St. will offer computer classes in June.
On Thursday, June 6th at 1 p.m., the Cortez Public Library will be holding a computer class on Internet Shopping. The same class will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Unlimited Learning Center
On Friday, June 14th at 1p.m., staff from the Workforce Center will be holding a class at the Cortez Public Library on finding a job. The class will be focus on various aspects of finding a job on the Internet and using the Workforce Center.
On Thursday, June 20th at 1 p.m., the Cortez Public Library will be holding a very beginning computer class called Incredibly Basic Computer Skills. Topics covered will be: turning the computer on and off, using the mouse or mouse pad, opening, closing and moving a window, finding a website using the address bar and finding a website using Google. The same class will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Unlimited Learning Center.
All classes at the library must be signed up for ahead of time, as space is limited. Sign up by calling the library at 565-8117 or by stopping by. To find out more about the classes at the Unlimited Learning Center call 565-1601.
Performance nutrition presentation
Join Marissa Kleinsmith, MS, RD, on June 6 as she discuss how to fuel the human body for optimal performance. Athletes of all experience levels are welcome! This free presentation will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in the Mesa Room at the Cortez Recreation Center, 425 N. Roger Smith Ave. For more information, contact Sensa Wolcott, Cortez Burst Triathlon race director, at [email protected].
Business After Hours
kicks off the rodeo
This month’s Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours will kick off the 83rd annual Ute Mountain Round-Up Rodeo at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds on Thursday, June 6, from 5 to 7 p.m., in the barn in front of the rodeo arena. Take advantage of a special “behind the chutes” tour during the event. Come for Business After Hours and stay for the rodeo.
Rodeo tickets are available at First National Bank, Citizens State Bank, the Cortez IFA store or online at For more information, call the Chamber at 565-3414.
Summit Ridge Women’s Club yard sale
The Summit Ridge Women’s Club will hold its annual yard and bake sale on Saturday, June 8, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Summit Lake Community Church, 36501 Highway 184, Mancos. All proceeds benefit scholarships for local youth in addition to Thanksgiving and Christmas donations for local families.
Spaghetti dinner, dessert auction
The community is invited to a spaghetti dinner and dessert auction sponsored by the Board of Deacons of the Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church. The deacons use their money to help both church and community members with medical costs, payment of utilities, groceries and rent. This year, approximately $3,000 has been spent. This fundraiser is being planned to replace some of the money in order to help others in the future.
The event will be Saturday, June 8. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m., at $5 for adults, $2 for children 7 and younger, and $20 per family. The dessert auction will begin at 6:30. All donations for the auction will be greatly appreciated. The church is located at 350 S. Washington.
Cortez Rec Center will be closed
The Cortez recreation Center will be closed to the general public all day on Sunday, June 9, 2013 and will re-open back up to general public at 12:00 noon on Monday, June 10, 2013 and Parque de Vida park will be limited in its use on Sunday, June 9, 2013, due to hosting the Ride the Rockies bicycle tour participants. Community members are invited to attend the evening festivities on Sunday, June 9, 2013, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Parque de Vida Amphitheater area.
‘Starting your own business’ class
The Small Business Development Center will hold a workshop for people interested in starting businesses on Thursday, June 13, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Durango Public Library.
The cost is $25, with a $5 discount for Chamber members. Walk-ins are welcome; to reserve a spot contact the SBDC at (970) 247-7009 or email [email protected].
Back Country Horsemen
The Four Corners Back Country Horsemen will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, June 13, at the Pine River Senior Center in Bayfield. Social time will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will start at 7. Guests are always encouraged to attend.
The educational program will be on wildfires and mitigation, presented by Brenda Schultz of the U.S. Forest Service and Pam Wilson from Firewise.
The Four Corners Back Country Horsemen works to perpetuate commonsense enjoyment of public lands by horsemen and pack stock users. To learn more, go to or call Bob Volger, chapter president, at 970-883-4004 or email [email protected].
Dolores River Dialogue
There will be a full Dolores River Dialogue (DRD) meeting on Tuesday, July 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the offices of the Dolores Water Conservancy District.
The topics of this meeting will be the “319 Watershed Plan” that the DRD Steering Committee has been working on since early 2012, updates on the next version of the Lower Dolores River Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation Plan for Native Fish, as well as other updates including drought forecasting.
Women’s small business conference
The Fourth Annual Southwest Colorado Women’s Small Business Conference will take place Friday, July 13, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Durango. Female entrepreneurs are invited to join the Colorado SBDC Network for educational seminars, one-on-one consulting, valuable networking opportunities and informative speakers. Training topics will include marketing, sales and social media, strategic planning, the Colorado Healthcare Exchange, accounting and finances, funding options and more.
For more information or to register, log onto The early registration fee is $45; it goes up to $50 after June 29. Scholarships are available.