Emily Hayes

Position: Journal Staff Writer

Cortez plans free landfill drop-off day, curbside pickup

The Montezuma County Landfill will hold a free drop-off day, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, the day after Cortez’s City Cleanup Week. But Cleanup Week is now on the list of things impacted by COVID-19,...

DATE: Sept. 12, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Professional opera will debut in historic Mancos setting

Live performances are slowly reemerging as a possibility, particularly outside crowded cities. And in Mancos, Opera Lafayette, a professional opera company based in Washington, D.C., will debut its...

DATE: Sept. 11, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Veterans call on young people to serve their community

The city of Cortez officially dedicated the park at 830 E. Main St. as Veterans Park on Friday, which also marked the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. ...

DATE: Sept. 11, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Former Cortez finance director pleads guilty to embezzlement

The former Cortez finance director pleaded guilty Thursday to embezzlement of public property and faces prison, probation and restitution if the court accepts the agreement. Katheryn Moss, 70,...

DATE: Sept. 10, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Mancos to distribute $90,000 in grants to businesses, nonprofits

The town of Mancos is directing federal coronavirus relief money to businesses and nonprofits in Mancos that have been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mancos local government...

DATE: Sept. 10, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Peace marchers and Patriot riders converge at Cortez City Hall

Members of the Walk for Justice and Peace and the Montezuma County Patriots attended a Cortez City Council meeting Tuesday night to address an incident that occurred on Saturday during their...

DATE: Sept. 9, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Cold front expected to improve air quality

Southwest Colorado is again shrouded by smoke from wildfires across the West, particularly in California and Utah. But a cold front settling into the region will help improve air quality as the...

DATE: Sept. 8, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Signs around Cortez remind residents to be kind

The weight of political division in the community sat heavily with the Wolf sisters, co-owners of The Doobie Sisters in Cortez. When they were young, they scrawled “Humankind: Be both” in chalk on...

DATE: Sept. 5, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Free school meals extended through December

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reopened the Summer Food Service Program through December, allowing schools across the country to offer free meals to students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meals...

DATE: Sept. 4, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Will candidates for U.S. Congress meet in a debate?

With less than two months before the election, candidates for U.S. House of Representatives Diane Mitsch Bush and Lauren Boebert do not have a debate scheduled. The La Plata County League of Women...

DATE: Sept. 4, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

What a school fire drill looks like during COVID-19

Schools are required to conduct fire drills within 10 days of the start of the school year, and other emergencies like earthquakes and intruders are still a threat during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

DATE: Sept. 2, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

Straight-A Durango student, who had life interrupted, takes care of unfinished business

Jennifer Gallegos-Bay had the life of a normal 15-year-old before her sister became sick. A straight-A student, Gallegos-Bay pushed herself to do well in school. “My grades defined me at that age,”...

DATE: Aug. 26, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News

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