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The Cortez Sanitation District has repeatedly claimed that sewer rates had to be adjusted at the beginning of the year because of inconsistent and unreliable billing data from the city. City...
DATE: May 29, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News
A 36-year-old Montezuma County man will be sentenced next month on a sex-abuse charge. The victim was the defendant’s underage daughter. According to court records, Craig Sharp of County Road N was...
DATE: May 29, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News
A New York archaeology professor treks to Cortez next week to discuss ancient ruins south of the border in Mexico. Part of the Four Corners Lecture Series, the Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado...
DATE: May 29, 2014 | CATEGORY: Living
Next to a bucket of tools, bags of concrete and a water canister, dirt was piled into a wheelbarrow as shovels scored a headstone scheme at the Cortez Cemetery. A subsequent thrust into the ground...
DATE: May 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - News
A New York archaeology professor treks to Cortez next week to discuss ancient ruins south of the border in Mexico. Part of the Four Corners Lecture Series, the Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado...
DATE: May 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - News
Ex-Montezuma County Undersheriff Robin Cronk will be sentenced Friday after pleading guilty to public corruption charges earlier this year. Sentencing is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, May 30, at the...
DATE: May 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - News
Bobbi Lock was unanimously appointed earlier this month to lead the Montezuma County Health Department. "I am very excited for this opportunity to serve Montezuma County in this capacity," said...
DATE: May 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - News
In April, the Cortez Journal asked each city council member a three-part question regarding the city’s prohibition on recreational marijuana sales. Only two municipal leaders responded...
DATE: May 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News
After a 15-minute back-and-forth with legal council on Tuesday, municipal leaders voted unanimously to extend the city’s 10-month moratorium on recreational marijuana through the end of the year....
DATE: May 28, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News
Former Montezuma County Undersheriff Robin Cronk will be sentenced Friday after pleading guilty to public corruption charges earlier this year. Sentencing is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, May 30, at...
DATE: May 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News
Ex-Montezuma County Undersheriff Robin Cronk will be sentenced Friday after pleading guilty to public corruption charges earlier this year.Sentencing is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, May 30, at the...
DATE: May 26, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News
Two local agencies offer help for families and individuals. Montezuma County Hospice bereavement coordinator Sunny Bossenmaier said the support group, in its third year, tries to break the stigma...
DATE: May 26, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News