Position: Reporter

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: 970-564-6037

Memorial Day rain brightens outlook for area's beans

Rain over Memorial Day weekend brought the promise of a better season than many local bean farmers have seen in recent years. The storms brought 1.26 inches of rain to the Southwestern Colorado...

DATE: June 3, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

Alfafa crops may get a boost from dairies, drought

Growing demand from dairies and the drought in California and Texas may spur demand for local alfalfa. "I think we are looking at, if not a stable, a rising market for alfalfa," said Terry...

DATE: June 3, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

Town board refines pot regulations

The town board inched closer to permitting recreational marijuana sales at a meeting on May 28, voicing approval of more fine-tuned regulations. The town's moratorium on recreational marijuana...

DATE: June 3, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

School board has balanced budget

The Mancos School Board may fund facility improvements in the coming school year and maintain a balanced budget. The school board discussed the upgrades in a special meeting dedicated to the budget...

DATE: June 3, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

Red Arrow cleanup set to begin Monday

Cleanup of the Red Arrow Mill site will begin June 9, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday. The mill was closed last year after it was discovered mercury was being used to...

DATE: June 3, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

Memorial Day rain brightens outlook for area’s beans

Rain over Memorial Day weekend brought the promise of a better season than many local bean farmers have seen in recent years. The storms brought 1.26 inches of rain to the Southwestern Colorado...

DATE: June 2, 2014 | CATEGORY: Agriculture

Local crops may get a boost

Growing demand from dairies and the drought in California and Texas may spur demand for local alfalfa. “I think we are looking at, if not a stable, a rising market for alfalfa,” said Terry...

DATE: June 2, 2014 | CATEGORY: Agriculture

Remember the fallen

As in cemeteries and ceremonies all over the country, community members gathered throughout the region to remember fallen American warriors. “We speak with one voice, with shared admiration,” said...

DATE: May 29, 2014 | CATEGORY: Local News

Remember the fallen

As in cemeteries and ceremonies all over the country, the Mancos community gathered in Cedar Grove Cemetery to remember the fallen warriors. "We speak with one voice, with shared admiration," said...

DATE: May 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: DS - News

It's Arts Roundup time

If you've ever wondered about the magic of a photographer's dark room or the hypnotic motion of a potter's skillful hands, The Great Mancos Arts Roundup offers the opportunity to tour local studios...

DATE: May 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

Remember the fallen

As in cemeteries and ceremonies all over the country, the Mancos community gathered in Cedar Grove Cemetery to remember the fallen warriors. "We speak with one voice, with shared admiration," said...

DATE: May 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - News

Programs produce results at college

The Pueblo Community College system, which includes Southwest Colorado Community College, saw a significant increase in the percentage of students completing remedial courses this school year after...

DATE: May 27, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Education

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