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Mitt Romney and President Obama each distort the facts in TV ads aimed at young mothers. Romneys ad falsely attributes the nations $16 trillion debt all to Obama when it says your share of...
DATE: Sept. 26, 2012 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists
President Barack Obama has claimed the United States has doubled our use of renewable energy. Had the president only addressed wind and solar energy, he would have been correct. Wind and solar...
DATE: Sept. 19, 2012 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists
Ryan:Simpson-Bowles Commission. I found it utterly hypocritical, and it was, at a minimum, disingenuous not to mention his (Ryans) membership on the commission, said Ornstein, a scholar at the...
DATE: Sept. 5, 2012 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists
The Obama campaign is trying to peg Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as the guys who will end Medicare as we know it, and make seniors pay thousands more for health care. The Romney campaign is trying...
DATE: Aug. 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists
Ryans plan is to eventually move Medicare toward private insurance companies by giving people a set amount to buy their own health insurance plans. The new system would be for people who are under...
DATE: Aug. 22, 2012 | CATEGORY: MT - Opinion