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M-CHS junior Avery Wright rises high in the air to block a tip attempt by Dove Creek senior Kylie Gatlin during the Lady Panthers three-set victory over the Lady Bulldogs on April 22.
Dove Creek freshman Kylie Gatlin prepares to serve the ball during the second set of her team’s loss to M-CHS on April 22.
M-CHS junior Avery Wright spikes the ball into the hands of Dove Creek sophomores Lexi Gray and Trista Barnett.
Dove Creek senior Grace Hatfield passes the ball towards the net during a matchup between the Lady Panthers and the Lady Bulldogs on April 22.
Dove Creek senior Kobie Beanland and M-CHS senior Kylie Lake battle at the net during their team’s matchup on Thursday night.
M-CHS senior Devon McHenry serves the ball during her team’s win over Dove Creek on April 22.
Dove Creek freshman Kalie Gatlin spikes the ball over the outstretched fingers of M-CHS senios Myka Glover and Kylie Lake on Thursday night.
Sen. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., told a group of restaurant owners in Zoom meeting Friday that the new Restaurant Revitalization Fund, while not perfect, will provide flexible assistance to an industry hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mancos Superintendent Brian Hanson hopes to use the upcoming round of federal aid to provide teachers and staff with stipends for three years.
Addressing learning loss is the top priority for Montezuma-Cortez schools. “Across the board, even if it’s not horrible, we’re still seeing a decrease at every site, said Montezuma-Cortez Finance Director Kyle Archibeque. “So that’s really our biggest focus.”