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Storm dumps 10 inches in Durango, more expected this week

Michael Valdez clears snow from his roof Tuesday in Durango. An overnight snowstorm dumped 10 inches in town early Tuesday, and more is expected later this week.

Storm dumps 10 inches in Durango, more expected this week

Drew Owens and Della Patton with 11th Street Station clear snow Tuesday after a winter storm moved through the area leaving behind a deep blanket of snow.

Storm dumps 10 inches in Durango, more expected this week

Durango residents had about 10 inches of snow to clear from driveways and sidewalks on Tuesday after a winter storm moved through the area.

Storm dumps 10 inches in Durango, more expected this week

Heath Nero cleans about a foot of snow off his car Tuesday in Durango after a winter storm moved through the area.

Storm dumps 10 inches in Durango, more expected this week

City of Durango snowplows piled snow in the middle of Main Avenue in downtown Durango early Tuesday after a winter storm moved through the area.

Storm dumps 10 inches in Durango, more expected this week

Smiles were seen Tuesday around Durango after a winter storm moved through the area, leaving behind a deep blanket of snow.

When it comes to COVID-19, Hinsdale County sits alone at Level Blue

Hinsdale County, with its population of 857, has the lowest COVID-19 statistics in Colorado, allowing it to be at Level Blue while most of the state is at Level Orange.

When it comes to COVID-19, Hinsdale County sits alone at Level Blue

Katrina Kent-Menzies, executive director of the Lake City Chamber of Commerce, said COVID-19 did not have a major impact on the town’s business, which is mostly based around outdoor recreation, over the last year.

Durango’s Brennan Oil Co. switches gasoline supplier

Kevin Brennan with family-owned Brennan Oil Co. said a better loyalty program offered by Marathon Petroleum Corp. led him to switch fuel suppliers when the local firm’s contract with Exxon Mobil Corp. expired.

Durango’s Brennan Oil Co. switches gasoline supplier

Brennan Oil Co. has switched fuel suppliers to Marathon Petroleum Co. from Exxon Mobile Corp. New signs are up on gas pumps, and permanent signs will go up in the next two months in front of the five Brennan gas stations in Durango.
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