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People have told me that my education commentaries have ruffled some feathers.Well, here I go again! One of the problems our educational system encounters is the unions. Let me state at the outset...
DATE: Oct. 27, 2011 | COLUMN: Larry Tradlener
My Sept. 29 commentary dealt with the current dismal state of our educational system. Im sure that to some of the readers it was simply an intellectual exercise, just an assemblage of numbers....
DATE: Oct. 13, 2011 | COLUMN: Larry Tradlener
The future of our nation will be determined by todays students.Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. (H.G. Wells, The Outline of History, 1920)The...
DATE: Sept. 29, 2011 | COLUMN: Larry Tradlener
For some of us old folks, “balkanizing” may bring back memories of lighting a tube patch while repairing a tire on our car. That's not it!That term means much more than a tire repair. Like you, I...
DATE: Aug. 4, 2011 | COLUMN: Larry Tradlener
Forget December 21, 2012; forget Nostradamus, forget the Hopi prophecies. We face a greater calamity: August 2, 2011!The Obama regime has predicted the end of America if we let that date go by...
DATE: July 19, 2011 | COLUMN: Larry Tradlener
Its hard to ignore the $14.5 trillion deficit. What is even more difficult to block out is the constant yammering by the politicos. The Washington political classes, both elephants and donkeys...
DATE: June 23, 2011 | COLUMN: Larry Tradlener