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By Rebecca Samulski Montezuma County Fire Chiefs’ Association Recent local fires from Canonball to Kernan Creek and across to LaPlata County Road 502 along with the red flag days are good reminders...
DATE: June 19, 2014 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
WASHINGTON – Parallel to the rise of the tea party – with less attention but more potential influence – has been a gathering movement of reform conservatives whom my colleague E.J. Dionne Jr., in...
DATE: May 29, 2014 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
Southwest Colorado offers many recreational activities in the winter. From ice climbing to skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing and snowmobiling, you can do it all in our little corner of the world. ...
DATE: Dec. 20, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
Five years ago I moved here from South Carolina leaving my family, garden and yard (where if I stuck a half-dead plant in the ground it always thrived), my job teaching mathematics at Columbia...
DATE: Dec. 20, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
From now through mid-December of 2013, all over the world, a brand-new comet will become visible to the naked eye in our morning skies before dawn. This morning comet is named ISON, and this is its...
DATE: Nov. 18, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
One sign of the dysfunction in Washington these days is that the conversations there have completely detached from the ones happening in kitchens and living rooms across Colorado and the country. ...
DATE: Sept. 6, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
I had planned to gently explain to Larry Berger the errors in his diatribe against Sheriff Spruell. However, Bud Garner, Charles Thompson and many others have done the job for me, forcefully and...
DATE: Aug. 1, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
As the former sheriff prior to Dennis Spruell, I wanted to correct Pat Requena’s assumptions in her recent letter. It surprised me that a former CPA would publish financial-based business...
DATE: Aug. 1, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
The Bridge Emergency Shelter ended our seventh season in April this year. We closed on a high note with individual success stories and hope for many of our guests. As our programs expand, we can...
DATE: July 8, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
Parenting one of the biggest faith challenges in the Christian life. And if one is raising a challenging child, well, need more be said? Through the experience of parenting children and most...
DATE: June 20, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
All over this county, from schools to farms, millions of seedlings are springing into action. Some of them earn the gardener's affection while others attract a leery eye. If you haven't already,...
DATE: June 10, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns
Hey, it’s a beautiful day; let’s go for a ride in the public forest. Great idea; let’s go drive that old logging road that is so pretty this time of year! Hey, why is it blocked and closed? This is...
DATE: June 3, 2013 | COLUMN: Guest Columns