Sorting through campaign ads

Sen. Mark Udall ad: Cory Gardner embarked on an "eight-year crusade that would ban birth control." Facts: Gardner supported anti-abortion measures that don't explicitly call for a ban on birth...

DATE: Oct. 14, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Proposition looks at labelling genetically modified food

DENVER - One of the more expensive food fights on the ballot this election season is a question that would require the labeling of genetically modified foods. Proponents paint Proposition 105 as...

DATE: Oct. 14, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Obama's presidency, by the numbers

Millions of Americans have gained health insurance because of Obamacare, and the number signing up for Medicaid keeps rising. Just over 8 million signed up for Obamacare, with at least 7.9 million...

DATE: Oct. 7, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Celebrating the changing season

The autumn equinox came and went on Sept. 23. Now we should begin noticing that the days are definitely shorter and the nights are getting longer. Farmers have been busy harvesting their crops. All...

DATE: Oct. 7, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Back to the beginning of the Times

I decided to go back to the first issue of the Mancos Times - Friday, April 28, 1893. We are indebted to Mr. W. H. Kelly, the oldest newspaper man in Colorado, for valuable assistance in getting...

DATE: Oct. 7, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Looking forward

By Marianne Griffin The Balloon Festival was great on Friday and Saturday and then the rains came. Everyone seemed to have a fun at the Street Fair while the sun was shining. Lots of music and...

DATE: Sept. 30, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

GMO labeling unlikely to raise food costs

By Chip and Bernadette Tuthill Proposition 105 would rehire labeling of genetically modified food in Colorado. In a ABC poll on July 10, 2014, 75 percent (plus or minus 4.38 percent) of...

DATE: Sept. 30, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

1894 : Days of muscatel wine and wonders in the sky

By Darrel Ellis Sept. 14, 1894 "Bob" the pet lynx belonging to Dr. Lowe has passed "over the range" Saturday evening when he broke his chain and went off on a lark, and while he was indulging his...

DATE: Sept. 30, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

So long, Marianne

By Dian Law This year Art Fest/Street Fair was a total success. Even the weather cooperated with a gorgeous sunshiny day (right before the evening deluge). This is last Art Fest that Marianne...

DATE: Sept. 30, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

On Saturday, Sept. 27, the Mancos Marshal's Office will be participating in the Drug Enforcement Administration's Ninth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This initiative provides an...

DATE: Sept. 23, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

It's Balloon Fest week

By Marianne Griffin There is a lot going on as preparations are made for the Balloon Festival, Art Fest and Street Fair. Volunteers are still needed to help balloon pilots launch and recover their...

DATE: Sept. 23, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

Strategy to take down Islamic State reveals a conflict of Obamas

"The Daily Show" host, Jon Stewart took aim at President Barack Obama's strategy to take down the Islamic State, highlighting the Obama administration's mixed messages about whether or not their...

DATE: Sept. 23, 2014 | CATEGORY: MT - Columnists

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