
Letters to the Editor

‘Young’ is not a four-letter word

Dear Editor:Monday evening at the “candidate meet” session sponsored by the Farm Bureau, I was surprised to learn that being “young” was a negative thing. DA candidate Russ Wasley kept referring to...

DATE: May 25, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

No such thing as ‘death panels’

Editor:It was with some amazement that I read the headline over the letter stating Congressman Tipton efforts to repeal the “death panel,” since there is no such thing so no need to repeal it.This...

DATE: May 23, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Democracy under attack

Editor:A sign of our times is the facile use of euphemisms to camouflage unpleasant facts, with governments the chief practitioner of this cynical corruption of language. Our own government has...

DATE: May 21, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

DA need not join anti-goverment charge

Editor:A few of us have been trying to understand what happened at the Republican caucus this year when our incumbent D.A. lost to an unknown and inexperienced opponent. We could see no obvious...

DATE: May 21, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Our job is to evict Congress

Editor:A message for Congress. Now that your Bush tax breaks will end in December and President Obama will not be extending them, you are planning to change the tax code to include loopholes for...

DATE: May 21, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

We owe those people our thanks

Editor:Zach Sullivan was not “shot down,” as your paper stated. He was shot while resisting arrest. Sullivan was in control of the situation that night over a year ago. He made the choice to be...

DATE: May 19, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Better yet, watch eclipse safely on TV

Editor:Unless there are clouds at sunset on Sunday, we will be able to view an annular solar eclipse: the moon will almost completely cover the bright solar disk. Please view the Wikipedia link —...

DATE: May 17, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Furse is a politician, not a prosecutor

Editor:It’s not surprising that a career defense attorney, like Rae Dreves, would write a letter in support of candidate Will Furse for district attorney. From a defense perspective, what better...

DATE: May 15, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

DeGagne-Rule has experience, dedication

Editor:The county clerk will soon be mailing out the ballots to registered voters in Montezuma County for the Republican primary. I can not stress how important it is that you exercise your right...

DATE: May 15, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Reform the Postal Service thoughtfully

Editor:As this community is well aware, the U.S. Postal Service is facing budgetary challenges that have endangered rural post offices. Potential closures rightly concern local residents who depend...

DATE: May 12, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Not enough food for school lunch

Editor:Schools are a place of learning but when schools don’t fulfill their requirements it becomes a place of riot. What I have faced and noticed problems with is our lunchtime food supply. In...

DATE: May 10, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Stand on principle, Republicans; disavow Democrats’ votes

Editor:Exhibited by those who call themselves Republicans here in our county, many of whom support Russell Wasley for District Attorney, is the overwhelming concern that Will Furse, who is a...

DATE: May 8, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor are limited to 250 words. You will not be able to submit your letter in this form if you exceed this limit. Please include your full name, town or county of residence and a contact phone number. We edit letters for length and clarity and to eliminate libelous or tasteless material.

Opinion columns can be submitted to [email protected]. They are published at the prerogative of the opinion editor and may be edited. Opinion columns should be 600-650 words and should be accompanied by a head shot of the author and a one-line pertinent biographical description. (For example, “John Doe is president of the nonprofit Kidz ’n’ Horses,” or “Jane Doe is a Durango City Councilor.”) Please also include your full name and contact phone number.

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