
Letters to the Editor

Good schools drive economic growth

Editor:Congratulations to both the Cortez and Dolores school districts for gaining approval of the BEST grants from the state to improve the infrastructure of their educational facilities. Also...

DATE: July 3, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Is crossing the street safe, even in a crosswalk?

Editor:This is not the first time I have been concerned about this problem in our city, but in the past two weeks, it has been magnified in my thinking again.I recently stopped for a pedestrian in...

DATE: July 3, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Destroying our country from within

Editor:I would like to take the “other side of the coin” on John M. Hopkins’ letter (June 26) blaming environmentalists on the fires in Colorado. I would say to him that it is the...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Spare us rabid exaggeration and condescension

Editor:I am also writing in response to John M. Hopkins’ letter entitled “Blame Environmentalists.” The author shows himself to be the kind of person who revels in the misfortune of others, who...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Thank you for your generosity

Editor:I am glad to see such a great response from our area residents and businesses in response to the Weber Canyon Fire. Wal-Mart and the local Red Cross are taking donations for the firefighters...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Bumpy trip down Road 25 could be a lot worse

Editor:Maybe we should change the name of County Rd 25 under construction to Whiner’s Lane. I drove through yesterday and didn’t encounter a single IED, roadblock for passport check, washout from...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Update on the sorry excuse for a road

Editor:Yesterday a water truck and a sweeper of some sort I’ve never seen before showed up on our Road 25 and a futile attempt was made to improve our washboard road. Drove down it this morning in...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Orders went out from the Bilderbergers

Editor:May 30 to June 1, 2012, the exclusive Bilderberg group held their yearly meeting behind guarded walls to formulate plans for their flunkies to impose on the populations. This year mainly was...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Think of the tragedies beneath the smoke plumes

Editor:In his June 26 letter, John M. Hopkins blames environmentalists for wildfires now plaguing Colorado. His biased analysis does not present accurately a far larger historic perspective.For at...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Cardinal boys are all ‘All Stars’ to their fans

Editor:Please allow me to get a few words off my chest. First, I want to say “congratulations” to the Cardinals Little League team for their amazing comeback in the semifinal tournament game on...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Empire complex not in bill-payers’ best interests

Editor:Empire Electric Association Inc. finally reveals secret plans to build a new operations facility, after accepting a contractor’s bid of $6.4 million. By keeping plans under cover, they...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Take everyone seriously, not just Republicans

Editor:As I begin my first-ever campaign for elective office — county commission for District 3 (Mancos) — it is disconcerting to read the opinion of D.K. Murphy of Cortez in the June 21 edition of...

DATE: June 29, 2012 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor are limited to 250 words. You will not be able to submit your letter in this form if you exceed this limit. Please include your full name, town or county of residence and a contact phone number. We edit letters for length and clarity and to eliminate libelous or tasteless material.

Opinion columns can be submitted to [email protected]. They are published at the prerogative of the opinion editor and may be edited. Opinion columns should be 600-650 words and should be accompanied by a head shot of the author and a one-line pertinent biographical description. (For example, “John Doe is president of the nonprofit Kidz ’n’ Horses,” or “Jane Doe is a Durango City Councilor.”) Please also include your full name and contact phone number.

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