
Letters to the Editor

Congress, White House need overhaul

I was a registered Republican for many years, until four years ago when I gave up on the GOP and registered as an Independent. Citizens have to recognize that both parties do not represent ordinary...

DATE: Nov. 12, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

FBN hosted the most revealing GOP debate yet

WASHINGTON – The Republican debate on CNBC was riveting, the way a train wreck is riveting – you can’t take your eyes off it. The Fox Business Network debate was merely satisfying. A serious...

DATE: Nov. 12, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

BLM has no authority over county health

Recent letters in the Journal has expressed contempt for Montezuma County commissioners doing the job they were elected to do. The writers demonstrated that they do not understand the...

DATE: Nov. 12, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Kasich is only one taking race seriously

Trump, Carson, and Sanders. That’s the freak show. Bernie doesn’t really belong in there with the other two, but for all his years of service and consistency he seems unable to recognize the whole...

DATE: Nov. 12, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Free speech meets the war against ExxonMobil

WASHINGTON – If you care about free speech, you should pay attention to the campaign now being waged against ExxonMobil. More than 50 environmental and civil rights groups have written Attorney...

DATE: Nov. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Don’t set policy based on fading icon

I am a former resident of Dolores and keep up, somewhat, with things happening in the region. I read with dismay of discussions about potentially opening Canyons of the Ancients National Monument...

DATE: Nov. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Plan would protect places and good jobs

Wow! According to Eric Sanford (Letter to the editor, Journal, Oct. 9) I am part of the opposition industry. That is a real step up. I keep hearing that the No. 1 industry in Montezuma County is...

DATE: Nov. 9, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Republicans should take their winnings and run

WASHINGTON – Where do Republicans get that special talent for turning gold to dross? They score an electoral “massacre” (The Economist) in 2014 and, a year later, what do they have to show for it...

DATE: Nov. 6, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Idarado has history of reclamation work

This letter is in response to the statements made by Hydrowest, Inc., the owner of the Ouray Hydroelectric Power Plant, regarding the cause of the recent discoloration of the Uncompahgre River in...

DATE: Nov. 6, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

Stand strong for Clean Power Plan

As county commissioners, we recognize that our job is not only to advocate on behalf of our constituents, but to protect the land, air, and water our region depends on. Here in the Southwest, our...

DATE: Nov. 6, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

County trying to censor what public sees

The Montezuma Board of County Commissioners is demanding that the federal Bureau of Land Management withhold information from the public concerning oil and gas activities in our county. The...

DATE: Nov. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

‘Opposition industry’ details mysterious

In the letter headlined “Master Lease Plan is superfluous,” (Journal, Oct. 9) Eric Sanford from Durango says that the Master Leasing Plan the BLM has initiated for La Plata and Montezuma counties...

DATE: Nov. 2, 2015 | CATEGORY: Letters to the Editor

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Opinion columns can be submitted to [email protected]. They are published at the prerogative of the opinion editor and may be edited. Opinion columns should be 600-650 words and should be accompanied by a head shot of the author and a one-line pertinent biographical description. (For example, “John Doe is president of the nonprofit Kidz ’n’ Horses,” or “Jane Doe is a Durango City Councilor.”) Please also include your full name and contact phone number.

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