
Meth Proposed bill would restrict real patients

Just as allergy season revs up, a bill before the Colorado Senate would make pseudoephedrine — commonly sold as Sudafed — a prescription drug, to make it less available to meth cooks.The cold...

DATE: April 12, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Shutdown Playing chicken with ‘non-essential’ jobs

As the federal government inched toward shutting down, large numbers of federal employees learned which of them are considered essential.A story in the Friday Washington Post said that 75 percent...

DATE: April 9, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Budget shenanigans

Lawmakers across the country are busy playing out the ground game of their campaign season politics — this time as budget deadlines come, and go, at the state and national level. From the Colorado...

DATE: April 7, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Freedom to offend The bonfire of Terry Jones’ insanities

As a strategy for winning friends and influencing people, Terry Jones’ Quran-burning stunt has very little to recommend it. He hasn’t converted any Muslims to Christianity. No one who values...

DATE: April 5, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials


The easy portion - if anything in war is easy - of the Allied-imposed no-fly zone over Libya is now over. Allied forces have control of the air, having knocked out anti-aircraft installations and...

DATE: April 2, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Bogus farms Curbing tax abuse will aid real agriculture

House Bill 1146 was passed by the Colorado House on Tuesday and is headed for the state Senate. Its sponsor, Rep. Tom Massey, R-Poncha Springs, expects it to pass there as well.The Senate should...

DATE: March 31, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Balance Polarization creates too many losers

U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton has told the people of Mesa County that the community should be the driving force behind efforts to upgrade Colorado National Monument to national park status. Implicit in...

DATE: March 29, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

A change of face Transition is a chance to improve dialogue

Former Dolores Public Lands Office Manager Steve Beverlin’s departure for a job in Durango is an opportunity to get the local dialogue about travel on the forest back on the right track.Discussion...

DATE: March 26, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Colorado’s economy Report includes problems, hope, warning

A report released Tuesday by Colorado State University detailed how the state’s economy fared over the last decade. It includes something to trigger just about every human emotion, from sorrow to...

DATE: March 24, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Immigration Solution must consider economic reality

In one of the strangest twists yet in this nation’s struggle with illegal immigration, a Texas legislator recently introduced a bill that would have made it illegal in that state to hire...

DATE: March 22, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Ag Expo A great show at the fairgrounds

This year Mother Nature has cooperated, providing beautiful weather for the Four States Ag Expo, which continues through tomorrow at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds. We urge everyone to go out....

DATE: March 19, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

Concussions Legislature right to try to protect kids

A bill that appears headed to Gov. Hickenlooper’s desk would require that youth athletes suspected of having suffered a concussion would need medical approval to return to play. It is a...

DATE: March 17, 2011 | CATEGORY: Editorials

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