40 Years Ago

Some persons were being evacuated Sunday from low-lying areas near the Dolores River, which threatened to go over its banks. A spokesman said Sheriff Clarence Williams was leading the evacuation...

DATE: May 22, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

80 Years Ago

Wm. H. Brumley has received a consignment of real Budweiser beer, which he is disposing of in the corner room of his Hotel Del Rio. The beer is said to be the same in character and of the same...

DATE: May 22, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

80 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, May 19, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

J.S. Roatcap was in town Wednesday and made the statement that today his peach crop is safe and from all appearances he will raise the biggest in some time. *** A shipment of twelve cars of new...

DATE: May 15, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

40 Years Ago

Kathie Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Hoffman, will be installed as Worthy Advisor of Dolores Assembly No. 50 Order of Rainbow for Girls. *** Gas flow of 1.5 million cubic feet per day is...

DATE: May 15, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

40 Years Ago

Greg Majors was named the outstanding athlete of the year, with judging done on academic plus athletic prowess. Majors is the son of Mrs. Mary Ruth Majors. *** The Del Rio Hotel, Lounge and...

DATE: May 8, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

80 Years Ago

John H. Lavendar filed affidavits for five mountain lions Monday at the office of the county clerk. Mr. Lavendar bagged the lions after trailing them for six days in the Bookcliffs back of the...

DATE: May 8, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

80 Years Ago

A company of two hundred men of the Civilian Conservation Corps will be established at the old Beaver Camp by May 25. The men will be recruited from the region from Pagosa Springs to Grand Junction...

DATE: May 1, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

40 Years Ago

Surprise tactics and a small voter turnout in the school board election held here Tuesday combined to upset the two incumbents, putting two write-in candidates into office for the next four years:...

DATE: May 1, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

Center of Light sets open house before moving

After seven years near Dolores, the Center of Light is moving to Santa Fe, N.M., at the end of May to serve there. An open house with snacks, conversation and the opportunity for goodbyes will be...

DATE: May 1, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

For Pets Sake sets yard-sale weekend

For Pets' Sake Humane Society will continue its spring yard sale on April 26-27, at the Cortez Christian Church Family Life Center, on the corner of Empire and Highway 145. The sale will run from 8...

DATE: April 24, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, April 27, 1973 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Interesting developments are rumored but largely go unverified this week concerning town board matters with few persons wishing to be quoted. It appears that some town board members met last Friday...

DATE: April 24, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

80 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, April 28, 1933 Fred Bradshaw, Editor

B. E. Smith was in from Lebanon Tuesday and told the writer that he never saw better prospects for a fruit crop in Montezuma Valley at this time of year than there is right now. The cold weather...

DATE: April 24, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Living

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