$PHOTOCREDIT_ON$Cortez MASONIC Lodge #133 A.F.& A.M. hosted a Remember When night on Saturday, Sept. 29, with honors and awards being presented by Worshipful Master R. Bruce Koons. Honored were widows Jan Hutchinson receiving a Blue Slipper pin and Janet Brown (with daughter, Beverlee Ertel and granddaughter, Kinsey Huff receiving the pin for her). A Fifty Year Membership Award and pin were presented to Past Master, Worshipful Brother Stanley M. Morris. A Recognition of Civic Leadership Award was presented to Keenan G. Ertel for his many years of service to the community and area through his association with the several organizations and boards. Those present enjoyed a short trip down memory lane through a Remember When slide presentation. The evening was closed with musical entertainment provided by Janet Wood, soprano, Janet Emmons, alto, John Patton, tenor, R. Bruce Koons, bass, and Cathy Everett, piano. Pictured from left to right are Bro. Jerry Brooks, Senior Deacon; Pat Morris, wife of W. Bro. Stan Morris on right, 50-year pin recipient; and standing with back to the camera is W. Bro. R. Bruce Koons.$PHOTOCREDIT_OFF$
Courtesy Photo