Two of our children recently graduated from MCHS; they each went on to attend top universities in the country. Another child is now a freshman at the school. Comments in your paper supporting funding a new high school south of Walmart have yet to mention that this site was chosen because it allows convenient, easy access to the internet fiberoptic trunk cable running along Highway 160.
This is a huge advance in education resources for our kids. Fiberoptic internet immediately gives our students access to the same resources available to the best schools in the world. It allows real-time, interactive communication: Picture agriculture students watching a veterinary surgeon doing a delicate operation at CSU, asking the vet questions as he works. Physics students sitting in at real-time lectures at Stanford or MIT. A group of students who want to take German, a course our district no longer offers, can now take four years of face-to-face courses held somewhere else heck, in Germany. The school will have instant access to databases and resources all over the world.
This isnt something a kid can do at home with the family PC, and the current high school doesnt even have enough power plugs, let alone working computers in every classroom that the students can use. The new school is a turn key operation. The day the school opens, each classroom will be equipped with all the latest technology wide screen monitors, computers in each room, the necessary sockets and wiring for anything the internet education future brings. The internet is already an essential learning resource and as school budgets continue to shrink while the demands for education expand, fiber-optic internet access will play an enormous role in future education opportunities. This alone is reason enough to support 3B and vote for a new school.
David and Nzali Campbell
Via CortezJournal.com