Cataract surgery evolves to make vision even sharper

Cataract surgery evolves to make vision even sharper

New tool allows surgeons to improve lens selection
Dr. Joshua Zastrocky with Four Corners Eye Clinic demonstrates an operating microscope, which has an intraoperative aberrometer, or ORA, mounted on it. The ORA uses infrared light to take measurements of a patient’s eyes during cataract surgery.
Dr. Joshua Zastrocky with Four Corners Eye Clinic uses an intraoperative aberrometer, or ORA, that ensures surgeons can more precisely replace lenses in the eyes of cataract patients.

Cataract surgery evolves to make vision even sharper

Dr. Joshua Zastrocky with Four Corners Eye Clinic demonstrates an operating microscope, which has an intraoperative aberrometer, or ORA, mounted on it. The ORA uses infrared light to take measurements of a patient’s eyes during cataract surgery.
Dr. Joshua Zastrocky with Four Corners Eye Clinic uses an intraoperative aberrometer, or ORA, that ensures surgeons can more precisely replace lenses in the eyes of cataract patients.