Panthers tennis 3rd in Delta


Panthers tennis 3rd in Delta

Graham Cathey hits an incredible forehand, which demonstrates why he is the No. 1 player on the Panthers tennis team.
Jake Valdez serves to win the point against Montrose at No. 1 singles for M-CHS at the Delta tourney.
Logan Dean concentrates on a winning volley at the net against Grand Junction Central. Dean earned a second-place medal at the Delta High tournament in No. 2 singles for the Panthers.

Panthers tennis 3rd in Delta

Graham Cathey hits an incredible forehand, which demonstrates why he is the No. 1 player on the Panthers tennis team.
Jake Valdez serves to win the point against Montrose at No. 1 singles for M-CHS at the Delta tourney.
Logan Dean concentrates on a winning volley at the net against Grand Junction Central. Dean earned a second-place medal at the Delta High tournament in No. 2 singles for the Panthers.