According to a recent police report (Journal, Aug. 30), Drug abuse remains the main concern for our law-enforcement officials. The report continues, If we could just get a handle on our drug and alcohol problems, our crime rate would go down.
It is sad to realize that many lives are being ruined daily by drugs and alcohol in the privacy of the home. Tragedy is compounded, however, when the two hit the streets, highways and yes, even campgrounds.
It is pretty common knowledge that alcohol is a contributing factor in about 50 percent of our highway fatalities. Oftentimes drugs and alcohol are bed-partners.
The availability of drugs to just about anyone who can come up with a healthy sneeze is disturbing.
Full-page news items (it looks like an ad to me) describing the wonders of enlarged establishments where patrons can more comfortably enjoy a wide variety of alcohol by the glass or gallon are frustrating also. Apparently the addendum drink responsibly absolves any possible responsibility to all who push the stuff.
Wouldnt it be great if someone could come up with at least a partial answer to our dilemma? Wouldnt it be great if our news agencies would work with our law-enforcement agencies in this regard instead of against them?
Lyle Ekleberry