Leigh Waggoner gave a nice warm fuzzy response to “Ann” and her concern for what the hereafter holds in store for us (Journal, Jan. 26).
Unfortunately, it was not accurate and was a disservice to one seeking the truth. The Bible explicitly says that there is a Satan and there is a Hell and people can end up there (Rev 20:15).
But, our “God known exclusively through Jesus Christ” does not condemn anyone to an afterlife in Hell, and gives everyone the opportunity to accept his love, grace, forgiveness, and salvation, and it is free.
God does not try to “whip us into shape” as Ms. Waggoner would have us believe, but accepts us just as we are. It’s right there in Paul’s epistles over and over. If we do not spend our eternal afterlife in Heaven, it is our fault, not God’s.
The Holy Bible is the foundation of Christian faith and should be accepted for its unwavering truth if you claim to be a Christian.
George Dewell