Students learn how a Cortez sushi restaurant rolls


Students learn how a Cortez sushi restaurant rolls

Stonefish Sushi owner gives demo to homeschool group
Brandon Shubert, owner of Stonefish Sushi and More in Cortez, teaches a homeschool co-op from the Ignacio and Bayfield area about how sushi is made. The group, led by moms Cora Shubert and Natalie Howard, tries to organize a different “hands-on” educational experience every Friday. Brandon Shubert, who is related to Cora, agreed to give them a demonstration and a meal at his restaurant on Feb. 9. “It’s a fun way to learn real-life skills,” Cora Shubert said.

Students learn how a Cortez sushi restaurant rolls

Brandon Shubert, owner of Stonefish Sushi and More in Cortez, teaches a homeschool co-op from the Ignacio and Bayfield area about how sushi is made. The group, led by moms Cora Shubert and Natalie Howard, tries to organize a different “hands-on” educational experience every Friday. Brandon Shubert, who is related to Cora, agreed to give them a demonstration and a meal at his restaurant on Feb. 9. “It’s a fun way to learn real-life skills,” Cora Shubert said.