How can we expect students to care about education when our community does not respect the job that is being done every day by teachers?
Do people realize what a teacher does on a daily basis?
If a teacher only spent the “required” time at school, no papers would be graded, no creative lesson plans would be developed to engage students, no calls home would be made, no help would be offered to students, no listening ear would be provided, no concern would be spared for those who need an extra push and there would be no time for students or parents before or after class – for anything.
The average teacher works 12-16 hours per day, way beyond the required 8 hours. Summers off? Continuing education requirements take place for 2-4 weeks over the summer and take about one month minimum to prepare for the next year. The $30,000 per year beginning pay in Re-1 then averages out to an hourly rate of $11.73.
You want to know what teachers “do” day-in and day-out? There’s always a need for volunteers and subs at our schools. Walk in a teacher’s shoes for a day.
Want to make a difference in our community? Respect and support our teachers. They work with all kinds of kids and all kinds of situations.
If you want our students to perform better in school, show them respect for education and those who tirelessly strive to bring education to your students. Be the change; be involved.
This is what makes a community better.
Corinne Sandner