Fruit growers learn best techniques for snipping


Fruit growers learn best techniques for snipping

Journal/Kimberly Benedict
Dan Fernandez, Dolores County extension office director, demonstrates proper fruit tree pruning at the annual pruning workshop held at the Southwest Colorado Research Station Thursday. Jan Sennhenn, former Montezuma County extension director observes in the background.
Journal/Kimberly Benedict
Dan Fernandez, Dolores County extension office director, shows off a number of options for tree pruning tools at the annual tree pruning workshop held at the Southwest Colorado Research Station Thursday.

Fruit growers learn best techniques for snipping

Journal/Kimberly Benedict
Dan Fernandez, Dolores County extension office director, demonstrates proper fruit tree pruning at the annual pruning workshop held at the Southwest Colorado Research Station Thursday. Jan Sennhenn, former Montezuma County extension director observes in the background.
Journal/Kimberly Benedict
Dan Fernandez, Dolores County extension office director, shows off a number of options for tree pruning tools at the annual tree pruning workshop held at the Southwest Colorado Research Station Thursday.