Ken Charles awarded for years of service in economic development

Ken Charles awarded for years of service in economic development

Longtime Department of Local Affairs manager helped communities problem-solve, finance infrastructure
Ken Charles, Region 9’s Economic Development Leader of the Year, worked with local governments in eight counties for 29 years as a regional manager for the Department of Local Affairs. Before retiring in June, Charles worked on the $1.9 million grant that helped fund the remodel of the La Plata County Courthouse.
John Horrocks, a foreman with Durango Electric, works to install a new electrical panel inside the La Plata County Courthouse as part of the remodeling project. The remodeled building opened in April.

Ken Charles awarded for years of service in economic development

Ken Charles, Region 9’s Economic Development Leader of the Year, worked with local governments in eight counties for 29 years as a regional manager for the Department of Local Affairs. Before retiring in June, Charles worked on the $1.9 million grant that helped fund the remodel of the La Plata County Courthouse.
John Horrocks, a foreman with Durango Electric, works to install a new electrical panel inside the La Plata County Courthouse as part of the remodeling project. The remodeled building opened in April.