Mancos’ sisterhood developing with Feins, France


Mancos’ sisterhood developing with Feins, France

Mancos and town in France share and celebrate different cultures
Residents of Mancos’ sister city of Feins, France held an American-style barbecue picnic last summer.
Mancos residents sent goods from Montezuma County, including Anasazi Beans and Fahrenheit Coffee, to their sister city of Feins, France.
Kids in Mancos’ sister city of Feins, France, held an American-style Thanksgiving dinner in November.

Mancos’ sisterhood developing with Feins, France

Residents of Mancos’ sister city of Feins, France held an American-style barbecue picnic last summer.
Mancos residents sent goods from Montezuma County, including Anasazi Beans and Fahrenheit Coffee, to their sister city of Feins, France.
Kids in Mancos’ sister city of Feins, France, held an American-style Thanksgiving dinner in November.