Cortez Heart and Soul is seeking submissions for a branding logo and tagline to be used on outreach materials.
Design ideas are welcome from all ages and need not necessarily come from professional artists or graphic designers. A prize of $100 of Cortez Cash will be awarded to the logo winner, $50 to the tagline winner. Contestants may submit one or both.
Please submit a logo that:
Depicts something special about Cortez and why it is a great place to live
Is simple and reproducible in one color (more colors and half tones are acceptable as long the image also reproduces well in black and white)
Inspires and engages people to participate in planning the future of their town
Is limited to 12-inch by 12-inch size or diameter of any shape
Please submit a tagline that:
Is a simple, clear, memorable phrase
Conveys the importance and excitement of contributing to a healthier, more vibrant future for Cortez and all of its residents
The deadline for submissions is June 8. Entries should be emailed to: [email protected] or dropped off at City Hall or the Cortez Service Center. For more information contact Nina Williams at 565-7320 x3317 or at the above email address.
The city of Cortez, guided by a team of community volunteers, has embarked on a two-year Heart and Soul project to learn what the residents of the Cortez community think matters most about our city, about where its headed, and what you would like it to be. Over the next two years, well collect community values (what you value about Cortez) from as many people as possible. The volunteer team will then ask community members to help turn those values into action items for city planners.