I would like to respond to a letter to the editor from Christopher Chavez (Journal, Sept. 15) that brought up a valid question pertaining to the retired high school building.
The Re-1 school district remains committed to the completion of the abatement of all hazardous material, the demolition of the school building and the ultimate restoration of the site for future use. The most important aspects of the project are the safety of the public, and removing the building in the most cost-effective method for the taxpayers of Montezuma County.
The district submitted an abatement and demolition plan to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment last July, and the district is anxiously waiting for the reply. The school district’s goal is to move forward to complete this project as soon as possible, and it has been in contact with the CDPHE throughout this process.
Our hopes are that the contractors will begin the final phase this fall, knowing that the building will be completely removed, so there will no longer be any hazard.
We will continue to update the public through the media, and additional information may be obtained on the school district website at www.cortez.k12.co.us.
If you would like to discuss this with me, please call 565-3737, extension 4121.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this community member’s concern.
Jamie Haukeness
Principal Jamie Haukeness of Kemper Elementary School is also the Re-1 School District Maintenance and School Safety Director.