Now that Mitt Romney is the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, lets see what he offers. With his penchant for flip-flopping, he now repudiates his record as governor of Massachusetts, where he supported gay marriage, abortion rights, planned parenthood, and a health plan that became a template for Obamacare, all progressive positions he now attacks.
He is on record as not caring about the poor because they have a safety net, though he fails to mention the holes in that safety net and the right-wing attempts to remove the net altogether. He persists in emphatically denouncing the auto industry bailout, even in the face of its great success in saving thousands of jobs, adding thousands more, and the loans paid back with interest. Notice that Romney favored the bailout of Wall Street, who thanked the taxpayer by giving big bonuses to their executives. Romney endorses the Paul Ryan budget plan that calls for additional tax breaks for the 1 percent, maintaining subsidies for Big Oil, eviscerating regulations, and reducing the debt with cuts to health care, unemployment benefits and education.
As to character, when Rush Limbaugh launched a scurrilous attack on a female law student for standing up for contraception rights, calling her slut and whore, Romneys response was that he would not have used those words. Apparently he would have cast the same aspersions in more polite language, a cowardly obeisance at the feet of Lord Big Mouth.
The Romney campaign has put out a video ad showing Obama as saying, If we keep talking about the economy we will lose this election. The statement is presented as Obamas words, when in fact Obama was quoting a John McCain staffer during the 2008 campaign. As yet, Romney has not seen fit to correct this blatant lie.
Denton May