Man ticketed for duct-taping dog’s muzzle shut


Man ticketed for duct-taping dog’s muzzle shut

Owner says animal was vomiting, eating items in car
Betty Dorr’s son and his friends, foreign exchange students from Korea, took this photo of a dog locked in a car at the Durango Recreation Center with its mouth duct-taped shut.
Thomas Ethridge and his dog, Appa, visited The Durango Herald on Wednesday. Ethridge said he did not duct-tape Appa’s mouth maliciously.

Man ticketed for duct-taping dog’s muzzle shut

Betty Dorr’s son and his friends, foreign exchange students from Korea, took this photo of a dog locked in a car at the Durango Recreation Center with its mouth duct-taped shut.
Thomas Ethridge and his dog, Appa, visited The Durango Herald on Wednesday. Ethridge said he did not duct-tape Appa’s mouth maliciously.
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