This years Family Comedy Club show promises to offer a glimpse into the lighter side of some big names in Montezuma County.
A fundraiser for the nonprofit Pinion Project family resource center, the theme of this years show is Valentine Blues. However, the show is aimed at being family friendly and uplifting, said Diana Buza, Pinon Project executive director.
A lot of some of our more notable members of our community are going to be there, she said. Its important that everyone have a good time and walk away with laughter in their soul.
Participants in this years show did not want to give their whole show away, but hinted this will be one to remember.
The Montezuma County Sheriffs Office, Sheriffs Posse and United Search and Rescue are teaming up for an act entitled MCSO Animal Control about dogs, said Wanda Martin. The act will feature the talents of Sheriff Dennis Pit Bull Spruell.
The sheriff himself will be heading it up, Martin said. Its going to be fun.
First National Bank President Byron Maynes and crew will be performing a tribute to the Village People music group a performance known to embarrass spouses in the past.
We do a lip sync of Village People songs, Maynes said. We did this a couple of years ago for our employee Christmas party. A lot of us are not known for being extroverted or that kind of thing, so it surprised a lot of people.
Karen and Jim Mischke will be participating in a song-and-dance routine entitled Pearly, Bailey and Bill.
We like to get them laughing in the middle of winter, Karen Mischke said.
Tickets can be purchased at The Pinon Project located at 300 North Elm, or at the door the night of the event for $15 per person or $20 for a family. All proceeds will be used to support family and early childhood services at The Pinon Project
For more information, contact The Pinon Project at 564-1195
Reach Reid Wright at [email protected]