Native American Center director leaves behind a legacy of inclusivity


Native American Center director leaves behind a legacy of inclusivity

Yvonne Bilinski shifted center’s direction
Yvonne Bilinski, director of the Fort Lewis College Native American Center, retired last week after 11 years with the center. She worked to make to sure the center met students academic, social, cultural and wellness needs.
Yvonne Bilinski, retiring director of the Fort Lewis College Native American Center, describes the process of sheering sheep to her staff, from left, Laura Owens, Gabby Allan and Lisa Cate, at the center.
The Pueblo Student Alliance at Fort Lewis College made a bowl for Yvonne Bilinski, retiring director of the Fort Lewis College Native American Center.

Native American Center director leaves behind a legacy of inclusivity

Yvonne Bilinski, director of the Fort Lewis College Native American Center, retired last week after 11 years with the center. She worked to make to sure the center met students academic, social, cultural and wellness needs.
Yvonne Bilinski, retiring director of the Fort Lewis College Native American Center, describes the process of sheering sheep to her staff, from left, Laura Owens, Gabby Allan and Lisa Cate, at the center.
The Pueblo Student Alliance at Fort Lewis College made a bowl for Yvonne Bilinski, retiring director of the Fort Lewis College Native American Center.
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