The Montezuma County Republican Caucus is set for tonight starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, registered county Republicans can head to their precinct caucus locations and cast their vote for a candidate of choice. Following is the precinct locations:
Precinct 1: Pleasant View fire station, Pleasant View
Precinct 2: Ponderosa Restaurant, Dolores
Precinct 3: Lewis Arriola Community Center, Arriola
Precinct 4: First United Methodist Church, Cortez
Precinct 5: Elks Lodge, Cortez
Precinct 6: Towaoc Community Center, Towaoc
Precinct 7: First Assembly Church, Cortez
Precinct 8: Church of Christ Annex, Cortez
Precinct 9: Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church, Cortez
Precinct 10: Lifeway Baptist Church, Cortez
Precinct 11: 100 S. Beech, Mancos