I was born in Austin, Texas, back before Austin was cool. The Armadillo World Headquarters didn’t exist yet. Dwight Eisenhower was president and television (if you were fancy enough to own one) was black and white.
Everyone under the age of 21 still said “yes ma’am” and “no sir.” While I’ve worked hard at “de-tex-ification,” the sir and ma’am will not go away.
I’ve spent a little time riding bucking horses, never good enough to be good but just good enough to not be bad. I have seen some places and had some fun. I start some colts these days because that’s where my heart is and always has been.
Not long ago, someone told me that I had told them “my truth.” I didn’t have any idea what that meant. New-age speak: “My truth.” “Your truth.” “Significant other” and “family of origin.” What does all of that mean?
Is there such a thing as “my lie?” “Your lie?” “Insignificant other” or “family of consequence?”
Today, I like it a lot more simple. I think I’ll just stick with old-age speak: “The truth.” “A lie.” “Wife.” “Husband.” “Girlfriend,” “boyfriend,” “friend” and “family.”
I make a habit of telling the truth, can usually tell if I’m told a lie, don’t have a wife or girlfriend and do have some friends and family. Nice and simple.
In an attempt to stay truthful, I should probably say that, in the wintertime, I wouldn’t mind having a “friend with benefits” to help keep my feet warm at night.
I’ve seen a little success and lived through some failure. With a little luck and just a touch of care about where I put my feet, maybe I’ll wake up on this side of the dirt and have a chance to go at it another day.
Until the sun sets for the last time ...
HHHEditor’s note: Thomas Edwin James Jr. was riding horses before he could walk. He currently hangs his hat in Ignacio and first wrote to us in March in a cursive script that conveyed his special wit and wisdom. During July and August, we hope you will enjoy Tom’s no-nonsense style and sense of humor. “Watch Yore Topknot” will appear on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Reach him at [email protected]. The topknot, by the way, is the last knot tied on a pack saddle.
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