The following artists, teachers, and alternates have been chosen to participate in the 2011 San Juan National Forest Artist-in-Residence Program at the Aspen Guard Station:
Artists in residence:
Elizabeth Kinahan, of Durango, for oil painting.
Pat Sheeran/Daggett, of Meeker, for pastel and oil painting.
Jane Pedersen, of Durango, for paper art and book binding.
Helen Looman, of Mancos, for acrylic painting and furniture art.
Bethany Kalk, of Morehead, Kentucky, for acrylic painting.
Teacher in residence:
Jenny Wrenn, of Durango, for poetry.
Barb Grist, of Cortez, for photography.
Sean Prentiss, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for writing.
Residencies will take place this summer and fall at the Aspen Guard Station, a historic U.S. Forest Service ranger station north of Mancos, according to a written statement from the San Juan Public Lands Center. Residents will share their talents with local communities through free public workshops and participate in an annual art show next year.
The Aspen Guard Station Artist-in-Residence Program is operated by the San Juan National Forest Dolores Public Lands Office in partnership with the Cortez Cultural Center. The goal is to enhance awareness of natural and cultural resources on public lands in creative ways. Applications are accepted annually from Jan. 1 to March 1. More information on the program is posted online on the Learning Center page of the San Juan National Forest website,
For more information, contact Ann Bond, program coordinator, at 385-1219.