Hope and fear inside the big box store

Hope and fear inside the big box store

Shoppers weigh lower prices against charm of Durango
Nancy Ottman takes home Christmas lights she purchased at Tippy Canoe Mountain Home Furnishings on Thursday afternoon. “I don’t carry dishes anymore because of Bed, Bath & Beyond,” says Tippy Canoe’s owner, Sharon Taylor.
Durango Music owner Jim Rockelmann, center, talks with Kelly Powell, right, while manager Brian Moore, center left, helps out Delia Bolster, left, on Thursday afternoon.

Hope and fear inside the big box store

Nancy Ottman takes home Christmas lights she purchased at Tippy Canoe Mountain Home Furnishings on Thursday afternoon. “I don’t carry dishes anymore because of Bed, Bath & Beyond,” says Tippy Canoe’s owner, Sharon Taylor.
Durango Music owner Jim Rockelmann, center, talks with Kelly Powell, right, while manager Brian Moore, center left, helps out Delia Bolster, left, on Thursday afternoon.