Empire Electric is offering scholarships for high school seniors who are dependents of a member of Empire Electric. $1,000 scholarships are available for students who plan on attending a two-year community college or a four-year college/university program and $500 scholarships are available for any student that will be attending a vocational or technical school that requires less than two years to complete. Home schooled seniors and Southwest Open High School seniors are encouraged to apply and will be considered with other applicants from the local high school they would be affiliated with.
Empire is also offering six adult scholarships for anyone over the age of 18 and a member or a dependent of a member of Empire Electric. These six adult scholarships are intended for adults continuing their education where a lapse in their normal education program has occurred.
Seniors can pick up a scholarship application from their high school guidance counselors office, at Empires headquarters or they may download the form on www.eea.coop. Adult applications are available at Empires headquarters at 801 N. Broadway in Cortez, or can also be downloaded at www.eea.coop. The deadline for applications for high school first time scholarships or adult scholarships is February 15, 2012. Successful recipients will be notified the last week of March 2012.
For more information about the scholarships or specific qualifications, contact Denise Rosenbaugh at Empire Electric, 564-4441 or at www.eea.coop. Utah consumers can call 800-709-3726.