Beren Strongbow Howell

Beren Strongbow Howell

Welcome to the world, Beren Strongbow Howell, born Nov. 15, 2011, in Wasilla, Alaska. He weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces and was 22 inches long at birth. Proud family members include his parents, former area residents Jason and Kirstin Howell, and big brother Thorin, now of Sutton, Alaska; and grandparents, Dave and Jan Lewis of Buena Vista, Colo., and Don and Beth Howell of Goodman Point, Colo.

Beren Strongbow Howell

Welcome to the world, Beren Strongbow Howell, born Nov. 15, 2011, in Wasilla, Alaska. He weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces and was 22 inches long at birth. Proud family members include his parents, former area residents Jason and Kirstin Howell, and big brother Thorin, now of Sutton, Alaska; and grandparents, Dave and Jan Lewis of Buena Vista, Colo., and Don and Beth Howell of Goodman Point, Colo.