About 17 DAR members and five volunteers plan to honor the veterans by placing about 450 4-by-6-inch flags in 19 cemeteries during the week of May 22.
Not all markers say whether the deceased was a veteran.
The DAR asks that families call the DAR before Sunday, May 21, and give them the location of such unlabeled markers.
“If your loved one does not have some type of veterans marker in order for us to determine they are a veteran, we ask you to call one of the following ladies,” DAR member June Head said in a news release.
In Dolores County, flags will be placed in the Cahone Cemetery and three cemeteries in Disappointment Valley before Memorial Day, which falls on May 29.
ContactsMcElmo Canyon: For Battle Rock, Lamb and Mitchell cemeteries, call Halene West, 970-565-3279 or Janice Benton, 970-564-0737.Lewis, Arriola, Fairview and Cahone: Call Daisy Mahaffey, 970-739-0627.Mancos area: Call Helen Small, 970-565-8149.Old Dolores (Peoples), Lebanon and unlisted cemeteries: Call June Head at 565-3880, Ann Wilson Brown at 970-565-2747 or Pam Thompson at 970-565-3900.Special requests: For flags in the larger cemeteries, please call June Head 970-565-3880 or Daisy Mahaffey 970-739-0627.Schedule for placing flagsLebanon, Old Dolores: Tuesday, May 23.Summit Ridge: Wednesday, May 24, for special requests.Goodman Point and Arriola: Wednesday, May 24.Lewis and Cahone: Thursday, May 25.Battle Rock, Lamb and Mitchell: Friday, May 26.Mancos, Cedar Grove Webber: Saturday, May 27Disappointment Valley: No dateCortez: No date. For Special requests. The DAR will remove deteriorated flags and dispose of them in a proper manner.