Farm to table: Building local and regional food systems

Farm to table: Building local and regional food systems

Southwest Farm Fresh Cooperative brings produce to tables without insecurity and expense of middleman
Southwest Farm Fresh member-owner MaryBeth Gentry of Eagle Tree Farm near Dolores helps with a Telluride restaurant delivery in 2016. Farmers are required to donate 20 hours of volunteer time each year to aid in co-op operations.
Southwest Farm Fresh delivery driver Mark Llamas and volunteers chat with co-op customers at the Smiley Building pickup site.
Southwest Farm Fresh delivery driver Mark Llamas loads cases of fruit from Osito Orchard, a new member farm in Hotchkiss. The pickup truck and trailer have come down to meet the SWFF truck in Telluride, where products are exchanged.
Southwest Farm Fresh delivery driver Mark Llamas, member-owner MaryBeth Gentry and general manager Ole Bye pose in front of the refrigerated truck the co-op purchased in 2016, paid for in part by community fundraisers.

Farm to table: Building local and regional food systems

Southwest Farm Fresh member-owner MaryBeth Gentry of Eagle Tree Farm near Dolores helps with a Telluride restaurant delivery in 2016. Farmers are required to donate 20 hours of volunteer time each year to aid in co-op operations.
Southwest Farm Fresh delivery driver Mark Llamas and volunteers chat with co-op customers at the Smiley Building pickup site.
Southwest Farm Fresh delivery driver Mark Llamas loads cases of fruit from Osito Orchard, a new member farm in Hotchkiss. The pickup truck and trailer have come down to meet the SWFF truck in Telluride, where products are exchanged.
Southwest Farm Fresh delivery driver Mark Llamas, member-owner MaryBeth Gentry and general manager Ole Bye pose in front of the refrigerated truck the co-op purchased in 2016, paid for in part by community fundraisers.
For shares

Southwest Farm Fresh Cooperative CSA shares are now available. Deliveries run 16 weeks from June 29 to Oct. 12 and will include fresh-harvested vegetables and fruits such as quinoa and dried beans.
A cheese share from James Ranch can be purchased for an additional charge.
For more information, visit