Dear Editor:
I worked for the USFS for 14 years. I initially started doing spotted owl surveys and northern goshawk surveys and was under the assumption that I was helping the birds, but was sadly mistaken. There was more interest in politics and creating the largest owl PAC and goshawk territories they possibly could to severely diminish or stop all activities in the forest. The politics so disgusted me, I went to managing recreational areas.
Politics dictate the actions of the USFS and BLM in managing our forests. The USFS and BLM are grouping all motorized forest users as one and blaming them for any misuse. Non-motorized forest users are far from the blameless angels they portray. Just because someone travels sans motor vehicle doesnt mean they are going to leave no trace. Individuals, not groups are to blame.
These groups have no intention of saving the forest or any creature in it. It is all about who controls the forest. I believe the USFS, BLM and environmental groups started out with good ideas and intentions, but over the years have gone way too far in many ways.
How about getting more people out from behind their air-conditioned desks and making contacts with the public? How about fewer meetings and more actual work in the forest? How about actually enforcing some of the laws that are already in place? The laws dont work unless someone is willing to do something about them. How about saving funds with less so-called professionals sitting behind desks and using those funds on more technicians in the forest actually doing the work? Ignorance takes many forms and cowardice is sitting behind a computer pointing fingers at people making accusations you have no basis in.
Jayne Hopkins