To have your club meeting listed in Clubs and Organizations, call 565-8527 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
4-H County Council
4-H County Council meets at 7 p.m. the second Monday of each month at the County Annex, 107 N. Chestnut, Cortez. For more information, contact the Montezuma County Extension Office at 565-3123.
Aerial Phenomena Research Group
The Aerial Phenomena Research Group meets monthly at various locations to discuss UFOs and other phenomena. For more information, contact Aileen at 739-6383.
American Legion Post 75
The Ute Mountain American Legion Post 75 meets at 7:00 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at the American Legion Hall, 320 N. Harrison St., Cortez. Military Veterans and Active-Duty personnel are invited to attend. For more information, contact Post Cmdr. John Shriner at 565-9095 or Jr. Vice Cmdr. Don Swank at 564-0557.
Barnyard Critters 4-H Club
Barnyard Critters 4-H club meets at 6 p.m. the first Sunday of each month at Franciscas Restaurant, 125 E. Main St., Cortez. For more information, contact Brenda Hindmarsh at 394-4163.
Bereavement Support Groups and Classes
Hospice of Montezuma offers several free community bereavement support groups at their location of 1345 S. Broadway, Cortez. The last Tuesday of every month from 6:156 p.m. the group meets to discuss any loss issue. A group for individuals mourning the loss of their pet meets from 5:157:15 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month. One on one sessions are available upon request for anyone wishing to discuss any particular bereavement issue in a private, or family meeting atmosphere. For more information, contact Sunny at 565-4400.
Blue Star Mothers of America
The Blue Star Mothers of America meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Jack and Janelles Restaurant, 801 E. Main, Cortez. For more information, call Donna Fitzpatrick at 565-9249.
Brain Injury Support Group
Southwest Center for Independence will be providing support for individuals needing assistance and program information. Meetings take place from 3-5 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month at 132 W. 3rd Street, Cortez. This program runs through Fall. For more information, contact Rose at 759-2347.
Bunnies and More 4-H Club
The Bunnies and More 4-H club meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Mancos School District cafeteria, 301 Grand Ave., Mancos. For more information, call 533-7072 or 759-2315.
Character Council
The Character Council meets from noon to 1:30 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at the Montezuma County Sheriffs Office, 730 E. Driscoll, Cortez. A persons character predicts future actions. Learn how different character traits are promoted within the community. A small flame can cast a light a surprising distance, and one persons choices can affect many others. For more information, call 564-1195.
Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends, an international support organization for families that have experienced the death of a child, meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month, at the Hospice Building, 1345 S. Broadway, Cortez. For more information, contact Debbie at 565-4732 or Cherie at 565-6480.
Cortez Armchair Quilt Club
The Cortez Armchair Quilt Club meets at 9:30 a.m. the fourth Saturday of each month at the Calvin Denton Room at Empire Electric, 801 N. Broadway, Cortez. Each meeting will feature a project. For more information, contact Carolyn Hemphill at 565-7574.
Cortez Celiac Group
The Cortez Celiac Group meets at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month in small conference room of the First United Methodist Church, 515 N. Park. There is no charge. For more information, contact Patti Moss at 565-0913 or Donna Hagelgantz at 565-3667.
Cortez Chess Players
The Cortez Chess Players meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. All interested people are invited. Bring a chess set if possible. For more information, call Tom at 903-7616.
Cortez Civitan Club
The Cortez Civitan Club meets at noon Wednesdays at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Rd. See how you can make Cortez a better place to live and work. For more information, contact Lonn Andrews at 759-1499.
Cortez Elks Club Bingo
The Cortez Elks Club holds bingo at 7 p.m. every Thursday at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road, Cortez. The progressive game grows each week until playout is won, at which time a new game begins. Games are open to the public, and everyone is welcome. For more information, call the Elks at 565-3557.
Cortez First Assembly of God Potluck
Cortez First Assembly of God sponsors a potluck at 12:30 p.m. the second Thursday of every month, at the church, corner of First and Linden St., Cortez. The meal is open to the public. Bring a favorite dish or dessert. For more information, contact Glenda Easterday at 882-2282.
Cortez First Assembly of God Visitation Team
The Cortez First Assembly of God Visitation Team gathers at 1 p.m. each Tuesday at Vista Grande Inn Nursing Home, 1311 N. Mildred Rd., Cortez. Residents look forward to the visits. You do not need to be a member of the church to participate. For more information, contact the church at 565-3043.
Cortez Lions Club
The Cortez Lions Club meets at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Cortez Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Rd., Cortez. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact Kevin Cason at 739-8313 or e-mail [email protected].
Cortez Vision Support Group
Southwest Center for Independence will be providing support for individuals needing assistance and program information. Meetings take place from 1-3 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month at 132 W. 3rd Street, Cortez. This program runs through Fall. For more information, contact Rose at 759-2347.
Cortez Wager Not Chapter of Gamblers Anonymous
The Cortez Wager Not Chapter of Gamblers Anonymous meets every Monday evening. There are no dues or fees for membership only the desire to stop gambling. Locations for meetings could vary. Please call Carolyn at 564-0432 before attending.
DARE to be You
The DARE to be You program part of Colorado State University Extension holds ongoing monthly support groups for grandparents and other relative caregivers. The groups meets from 5:308 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month; youth are invited. Call 565-3606 for more information and to register.
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 44 Dunger Smith
The Disabled American Veterans Chapter 44 Dunger Smith meets at 2 p.m. the second Friday of each month at the American Legion, 320 N. Harrison St., Cortez. For more information, contact Bobby Jones at 565-9457.
The First Baptist Church sponsors a DivorceCare group that meets each Monday night at 7 p.m. at the church, located at 100 North Street in Cortez. DivorceCare features the best of the best speakers that present encouragement and constructive ways to reduce feelings of loneliness, anger, and depression of those involved in divorce or separation.
Dolores Bears Booster Club
The Dolores Bears Booster Club meets at 5 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month in the Dolores School commons-lunch room, 1301 Central Ave.
For questions and information, contact Wendy Moore at 882-4983 or Nancy Nelligan at 565-8815.
Dolores Mountain Quilters
The Dolores Mountain Quilters meet at 9:45 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information, contact Janey Schurr at 565-8059.
Dolores Rotary Club
The Dolores Rotary Club meets at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesdays at the Ponderosa Restaurant. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meetings. The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. For further information call Dan Jones at 7492449.
For Pets Sake Humane Society
For Pets Sake Humane Society holds monthly board meetings, usually the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park. All members of the community are welcome. For more information, call 565-PETS.
Four Corners 9-12 Project
The Four Corners 9-12 Project meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Monday of each month at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road, Cortez. The group will not meet during the month of December. The 9-12 Project is a group of concerned citizens who have come together to study and promote the Constitution of the United States as the nations defining legal document; to preserve, protect, defend, and uphold that Constitution; to safeguard those principles that have made this Republic great; and to mobilize in action groups for the purpose of protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For more information, contact Bud Garner at 565-8595.
Four Corners Builders Association
The Four Corners Builders Association holds their board meeting at 6 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month. For more information and location, call 565-1771 or e-mail [email protected].
Four Corners Community Band
The Four Corners Community Band practices from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday nights at the First Baptist Church, 100 N. Market, Cortez. They welcome all musicians to visit in the interest of joining the group for their spring and summer concerts. For information on band membership, scheduling a concert and upcoming events, visit or call Sue at 564-1245.
Four Corners/Cortez Community Group IONS
Four Corners/Cortez Community Group IONS, a membership organization that discusses the potentials and powers of consciousness, meets the third week of every month, alternating Tuesday and Thursday, at the Cortez Journal community room. Contact Penny Welch, IONS community group leader, for dates and times at 564-1508 or e-mail [email protected].
Four Corners Miniatures Club
The Four Corners Miniatures Club is for dollhouse and miniature enthusiasts of all skill levels. The Club meets monthly to create projects and share ideas and crafting tips. The Clubs miniature projects have been on display at the annual Denver Dollhouse and Miniatures Show and at libraries throughout the Four Corners. The public is welcome to attend meetings to learn more about the hobby. For information on our next meeting and directions, contact Marilyn at 259-9401 or visit
Four Corners Parkinson Support Group
The Four Corners Parkinson Support Group meets from 10:30 a.m. to noon the third Monday of each month, in the Trinity Lutheran Church library (downstairs-use rear entrance), 208 N. Dolores Road, Cortez. All interested people are welcome. For more information, contact Ed Lord at 564-9125 or Glen Baer at 565-9508.
Four Corners Square Dance Club
Four Corners Square Dance Club meets the first and third Saturdays of the month from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Kemper Elementary School, 620 E. Montezuma Ave., Cortez. All are welcome to dance or just watch. For more information, call Morris at 565-9836 or Robinson at 739-3262.
Four Corners Weavers Guild
The Four Corners Weavers Guild meets six times per year on the odd numbered months. Meeting time is 10 a.m. followed by a potluck and short workshop. Meetings are open to anyone interested in the fiber arts weaving, spinning, knitting, felting and more.
For more information, visit their Web site,
Four States Ag Expo
The Four States Ag Expo supports the spectrum of agriculture in the four states region (AZ, CO, NM, and UT). We promote innovation and build knowledge within the industry, and raise general awareness of regional agricultural products, methods, and issues. The 30th annual Four States Ag Expo will be held March 15-18, 2012; the Ag Expo board meets at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month in the Cortez Chamber conference room to plan the show and other community involvement throughout the year. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in agriculture and the Ag Expo. For more information, visit or call the Ag Expo office at 247-0097.
Friends of Hawkins
The Friends of Hawkins meets the first Friday of each month at noon over lunch, in the upstairs classroom of the Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Friends of Hawkins are volunteers who take a special interest in the management, preservation, restoration and programs of the Hawkins Preserve. New members are always welcome. For more information, call Linda at 565-1151.
Friends of the Cortez Library
The Friends of the Cortez Library meets quarterly at the library, 202 N. Park St. Anyone interested in supporting the local library is asked to consider attending a meeting. For more information and for meeting times and dates, contact Yvonne Hart at 565-1652.
Heart of Truth
Heart of Truth with The Gaella meets the first Saturday of every month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at High Desert Health, 443 Montezuma Ave., Cortez. The meeting is an invitation to know your self and live more deeply connected to yourselves, each other and the source; to be capable and have the capacity to truly meet suffering and realize the living Truth available in every moment; to be free and at peace. For more information contact Gaella at 375-9080 or [email protected].
Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society
The Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society usually meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month at the Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market. Lectures are free and open to the public. For more information on speakers and activities, contact Bob Bernhart at 739-6772.
Intenders Circle
Healing Hearts holds a monthly Intenders Circle meeting and potluck on the first Friday of the month at 6 p.m. at 206 E. Montezuma, in Cortez. The Intenders Circle is a group of people getting together, helping each other to speak, feel and think in more positive ways to create a more positive life. We have a potluck meal, but if you are working and dont have time to cook something, come anyway. There is always plenty of food. You are all welcome bring a friend and come join us.
For more information call 739-6120.
Interdenominational Prayer Group
A pro-life interdenominational prayer group meets at 10 a.m. the first Thursday of each month, at Evangel Assembly of God, 209 W. Fifth St., Cortez. For more information, contact Linda Moore at 564-4211.
K9 Search and Rescue Team
The Dolores K9 Search and Rescue Team meets for its monthly business meeting at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the K9 Doghouse, 35 Railroad Ave., Dolores. For more information, contact 882-4746 or visit the Web site at
Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde
Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde meets at noon Tuesdays at Shiloh Steak House, 5 S. Veach, Cortez. For more information, contact Eve Boellstorff at 394-4090 or 565-8491, or e-mail [email protected].
Lake View Harmony Club
The Lake View Harmony Club, a womens service club, meets at 11:30 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month for lunch at a designated restaurant. On the third Thursday, the group meets at 2 p.m. for a business meeting and refreshments at various locations of its members. The club fills tote bags for women and children living in safe houses in the area. For more information, contact Elva Norte at 565-8741.
League of Women Voters of Montezuma County
The League of Women Voters of Montezuma County Board meets regularly the second Monday of each month in the Colorado Visitor Center conference room. All League members are invited and encouraged to attend Board meetings. General public information meetings and candidate and issue forums are held throughout the year, generally every month and the public is invited to attend. These are announced in the League newsletter at For more information, contact Jodi at 882-2401.
Mesa Verde Area Amateur Radio Club
The Mesa Verde Area Amateur Radio Club meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Cortez Journal, 123 Roger Smith Ave. Amateur (HAM) radio is a wide ranging hobby, allowing you to talk to people across town or on the other side of the world, participate in emergency services, converse digitally, or even bounce signals off the moon. For more information contact Johnny Shepherd at 570-0021 or Robert Sliwinski at 882-2127.
Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen
Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen meets the first Tuesday of each month, times and locations vary. The club typically meets at the Elks Lodge at 2100 N. Dolores Road, with buy your own tacos at 6:15 p.m. and the meeting at 7 p.m. There are guest speakers at each meeting. For more information, contact Howard Thomas at 533-9135 or visit
Mesa Verde Mashers
The Mesa Verde Mashers, an American Homebrewers Association nationally recognized homebrewers club, meets the third Saturday of each month; locations vary. The group has all levels of brewers, from the brewer who has not yet started to a national award winner. For more information, contact Bill at [email protected], call 533-7881 or visit
Mesa Verde Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5241
Mesa Verde Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5241 meets at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month. Meetings are held in the Cortez Journal Conference Room, 123 N. Roger Smith Ave. For additional information, contact Cmdr. Bert Valencia at 565-0770 or QM Ross Watkins at 882-2462.
Montelores Early Childhood Council
The Montelores Early Childhood Council meets the first Monday of each month at the Church of Christ annex, 631 E. Montezuma Ave., Cortez, across from Kemper Elementary School. All are welcome to this luncheon meeting, especially parents. RSVP to the current coordinator, Vangi McCoy, at [email protected]. MECC is made up of concerned professionals and citizens who wish to improve the lives and opportunities of children in Montezuma and Dolores counties. For more information, call 749-7017.
Montelores School and Public Employees Retirement Association
The Montelores (Montezuma-Dolores) School and Public Employees Retirement Association meets five times a year, twice in spring and twice in autumn, with a February social event. The other four meetings entail agenda items of timely, informative issues pertinent to retirees from the state of Colorado, including the Colorado Department of Transportation, schools, judicial and local government. Locally MSPERA sponsors a scholarship and is heavily involved in community service.
For more information, call Larry Archibeque at 565-1082.
Montezuma County Climate Action Network Steering Committee
The Montezuma County Climate Action Steering Committee meets regularly the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Wilson Building Conference Room, located at 10 West Main Street in Cortez. Look on the website for specific dates. All Montezuma Climate Action members are invited and encouraged to attend Steering Committee meetings. General public information meetings are held throughout the year and the public is invited to attend. These are announced in M-CAN newsletter at For more information and a location, call Jodi at 882-2401.
Montezuma County Caregiver Support Group
The Montezuma County Caregiver Support Group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. The group is not limited to any specific diagnosis or health concern. Those who provide care to someone at home and need to network with others who share the challenges are welcome. For more information, contact Kathy or Crystal with Hospice of Montezuma at 565-4400.
Montezuma County Democratic Women
The Montezuma County Democratic Women meet at 11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month at Jack and Janelles Country Kitchen at 801 E. Main Street. The public is always welcome. For more information, contact Tonia Gurnea at 564-9336.
Montezuma County Historical Society
The regular monthly meeting of the Montezuma County Historical Society Board takes place at 11:30 a.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Cortez Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road. This is a dutch treat lunch meeting. All members and others who are interested in preserving the history of our area are invited to attend. For more information, call Kelly Wilson at 565-9242.
Montezuma County Republican Central Committee
The Montezuma County Republican Central Committee meets the first Thursday of each month at noon over lunch at Shiloh Steak House, 5 S. Veach, in Cortez. All interested people are invited. For more information, call Pat Rule at 749-2770.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Montelores
National Alliance on Mental Health, NAMI, Montelores Caregiver Support Meeting is held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park. Family members and caregivers of individuals with a mental illness are encouraged to attend.
For more information, call Geri at 759-2416.
National Association of Retired Federal Employees
The National Association of Retired Federal Employees Chapter 1773 meet at 11:30 a.m. the second Thursday of each month. Locations will vary. All retired federal employees are invited to attend. For more information, contact Phyllis Kemble at 564-9161.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Support Group Living Well with MS
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society support group Living Well with MS meets at 5 p.m. the third Thursday of each month at the Montezuma County Health Department, 106 W. North St., Cortez. The support group will have information on alternative and new treatments for MS. For more information, call Delilah at 565-3056 ext. 228.
Over the Hill Gang Car Club
The Over the Hill Gang Car Club meets the second Wednesday of each month at different locations. The club is designed for individuals who enjoy car activities. For more information, contact Clarence at 565-3313 or Val at 565-6259, or e-mail Patty at [email protected].
Pinon Project Responsible Fatherhood Group
The Pinon Project Responsible Fatherhood Group meets from 6 to 8 p.m. every Wednesday at the Pinon Project, 300 N. Elm St., Cortez. The group is designed to support fathers as they work on their relationships, work through tough situations and build better relationships with their children. For more information, contact the Pinon Project at 564-1195.
Red Hat Society
The Red Hat Society Chapter 62952, the Red Hot Mamas, meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at various times and locations. RHS is a place where women are royalty every day, a place where women open their hearts to share, support and care for one another and a place where fun reigns supreme. For more information, call Queen Mum Maxine at 564-8490.
Republican Womens Club of Montezuma County
The Republican Womens Club of Montezuma County meets at noon over lunch the second Tuesday of each month at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road, Cortez. For more information, call Judi at 565-7370.
Rustlers 4-H Club
Rustlers 4-H club meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at the Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. New members are welcome. For more information, call Sadie Graf at 533-7548.
Southwest Artists League
The Southwest Artists League meets at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Guests interested in art are welcome. For more information, contact Anna Bousquet at 560-3531.
Southwest Colorado Greens
The Southwest Colorado Greens meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month. All interested individuals are welcome to attend. For more information and monthly meeting place, contact Jim Skvorc at (970) 903-0944.
Southwest Singers
The Southwest Singers rehearse at 6:30 p.m. every Monday in the choir room of the First United Methodist Church, 515 N. Park, Cortez. All who enjoy singing and music are encouraged to attend. You need not read music to participate. Your voice is welcome. For further information you can call Larry at 565-7804 or Ruth at 882-3870.
Spirituality Discussion Group
The Spirituality Discussion Group meets at 3 p.m. each Friday in the conference room at the Cortez Public Library, located at 202 N. Park Street. Organizers hope to promote the unity of humankind and world peace through spiritual growth. They would like to get people together from many different traditions to explore the idea that we are all interconnected, and to openly discuss spirituality from the viewpoint of different belief systems, customs, and backgrounds. For more information, contact Kathy Sehnert at 533-7707.
Southwest Woodworkers Guild
The Southwest Woodworkers Guild meets at 7 p.m. the second Thursday of each month. Come share your woodworking experiences and interest. For more information, call Rick at 533-7180.
Studies of the U.S. Constitution
Studies of the U.S. Constitution group meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every other Saturday at Shiloh restaurant, 5 S. Veach, Cortez. The group explores the profound intentions the Founding Fathers had for our great nation. Bring your interests and questions. For more information, e-mail Connie at [email protected].
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meet at 12:30 p.m. every Friday at the Cortez Public Library meeting room, 202 N. Park. Come and learn better eating habits. For more information, call 882-4441.
United Search and Rescue
United Search and Rescue has its monthly business meetings every fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Montezuma County Sheriffs Office, 730 E. Driscoll St., Cortez, and training meetings on the second Monday of each month at various locations. United Search and Rescue is a nonprofit, all volunteer group that is always open to new members 18 years or older. For more information, call Kirk at 749-1941 or Dale at 739-7685.