Jimmie Rodd celebrated her 90th birthday on July 29, 2011, with a luncheon at Lifeway Baptist Church attended by at least 50 family members and friends on Sunday, July 31. Jimmie has been a member of the church for 50 years, and received a certificate from the Mesa Verde Baptist Association for her many years of service work in the area of missions. Jimmie wrote the history of the Womans Missionary Union in the church, as well as the history of the Mesa Verde Baptist Association. Friends came from all over the state to attend the celebration. Jimmie Rodd is shown here, front and center, with her son, Jim Rodd, and daughter, Dana Heck; they are flanked by many other family members. Jimmie is a resident of Vista Grande in Cortez.
courtesy photo
90th birthday celebration
Jimmie Rodd celebrated her 90th birthday on July 29, 2011, with a luncheon at Lifeway Baptist Church attended by at least 50 family members and friends on Sunday, July 31. Jimmie has been a member of the church for 50 years, and received a certificate from the Mesa Verde Baptist Association for her many years of service work in the area of missions. Jimmie wrote the history of the Womans Missionary Union in the church, as well as the history of the Mesa Verde Baptist Association. Friends came from all over the state to attend the celebration. Jimmie Rodd is shown here, front and center, with her son, Jim Rodd, and daughter, Dana Heck; they are flanked by many other family members. Jimmie is a resident of Vista Grande in Cortez.