Brayden Christopher Gill

Brayden Christopher Gill

Brayden Christopher Gill was born July 22, 2011, in Durango. He weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches long. He is welcomed by his five older sisters, Chelsey, Makayla and Kimberly Burton, and Alyssandra and Marissa Gill, by his parents Deanne Sanders and Chris Gill of Cortez, his grandparents, and a large extended family.

Brayden Christopher Gill

Brayden Christopher Gill was born July 22, 2011, in Durango. He weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches long. He is welcomed by his five older sisters, Chelsey, Makayla and Kimberly Burton, and Alyssandra and Marissa Gill, by his parents Deanne Sanders and Chris Gill of Cortez, his grandparents, and a large extended family.